View Full Version : NORMAL

02-03-10, 08:23
Normal seems to be the ideal that people strive towards during recovery.
What is normal?
From what I observe, striving for "normal", comparing yourself to "normal" is a hinderance.
Since when were we ever normal? Who put the idea of being normal as being healthy into our minds? ...and why? (if you want to take it a step futher).
Screw normal...since when does normal have the right to look down at humans?

02-03-10, 09:46
I just strive to feel 'well' I dont believe in normal!! :winks:

02-03-10, 10:06
That is wholesome attitude pinkpiglet :)

02-03-10, 12:39
Post removed by author

jude uk
02-03-10, 13:38
I think normal does it exist.
Its not normal to dread going out the house
Its not normal to have constant fear
Its not normal to check you're pulse every 10 mins

The general Idea of normal is the idea of something repeating itself. I go to the shops and I buy a paper, for me that is normal. But if I asked for a paper and was then given 4 apples that would not be normal.

But again looking at mental health. Having a mental health issue is not normal because we no longer function as we would like to, our lives become limited. But piglet has nailed it when she says "I just strive to feel well."

Most will not make a full recovery but they can still have a full life and for them that will be normal.

For me normal is moving forward, accepting my fears and facing them.

02-03-10, 15:11
What would happen if you replace the word "normal" with "ordinary"?
How do you feel?