View Full Version : hey, havnt been on here for over a year. but its all back!!

02-03-10, 16:32
hey all

need some reasurence. been tryin my best to do it on my own and not come on here! but im really not coping.

been waking up every night like 7 times sitting up and taking a deep breath. like really panincing. with bad chest pains. also my heart racing, and i keep gettin bad back pains when i breath in! im sure ive had em before but can think!im always thinking to my self...' its diffrent this time'!

please give me some advice!! xx:blush:

02-03-10, 16:49
Hello jobear :)

You don't have to worry at all! This is all completely normal, and it comes and goes. Maybe you've been through some stressful things, and then your body reacts like that; so don't worry! Once you relax everything will be better. :D But if this continue to bother you, go see a doctor to get some peace of mind.

I hope you get better! :hugs:

02-03-10, 17:02
yeah i think i will go doctors. been meaning to for a while... but never do! feel like im strugglin to breath as well and gettin wound up easily. i feel like i have to take it easy all the time and just lie down ect. which isnt easy with a baby! but thankyou for your mesage :) xx

02-03-10, 17:05
Oh, you should go! It would make you calmer when you see nothing is wrong. :) Yeah, I know the feeling, been feeling like that for a while as well... But it'll pass, for us both. :D

I hope I could help you, even just a bit! :hugs:

02-03-10, 17:26
Hi Jobear,

sorry to hear your suffering. I know how you feel because I have recently started to suffer myself. I too have the same symptoms as you, waking at night, racing heart etc, its really nasty but I put mine down to the reflux I have been getting. Funny that you said 'its different this time' cause I had anxiety years back but this time its very different, eventhough I know more about panic attacks and anxiety than I did when I first had it, this time it seems worse than ever and more uncontrollable.

my advice would be to go see your doc. I put off going when I saw the signs and should have gone sooner but its always scary and sometimes hard to admit to yourself that your not coping. Im sure you will be reassured once you have been checked over. good luck :)