View Full Version : In what Way Has Your Child Surprised You?

02-03-10, 17:19
My daughter is 9 n she lied to me this week.

At the supermarket last week my daughter wanted me to buy some pepperami. Now she has had them before n didn't like them and I reminded here of this as well as the fact they are not healthy. She went on and on saying she liked them now coz her mate at school let her have one last week. Anyway, I gave in after much fuss n made the usual threats if she didn't eat them..like being castagated to the squagmire of eternal stench! Bit extreme I know! Anyway this weekend, she half ate the first one n left the rest on the worktop. I reminded her she hadn't finished it n she said she didn't like it to which I reminded her off our previous conversation. I trusted eventually that she had eaten it n she looked quite pleased with herself.

She told her friend, her friend told her Mum n swore her Mum to secrecy...n like a good Mum she told me! She had only flushed the remainder of the pepperami down the toilet hadn't she the little tinker!

I can't believe she has lied like this. But me being clever I have a plan, I am going to put some down the wc and innocently call her over n say something is blocking the loo. If she doesn't own up to it I will then pretend that I am going to get it tested to see what it is...I am desperate to see her reaction! Will she own up?

Do you think I am really horrible? I am doing it from the funny side of things as its not the end of the world but I still don't like lying!

02-03-10, 17:26
It's a little white lie, but I know what you mean.

Funny though, the look on her face will be once she has been rumbled :)

Granny Primark
02-03-10, 21:03
I dont think its any big deal.
Children of that age like to copy or be the same as their friends.
She wanted to like it but unfortunately she didnt and was probably really embarrassed and ashamed.
Some little lies although we dont like our children not being totally honest are acceptable.
Ive told many of little white lies in order to not hurt anyone.

02-03-10, 21:27
I think you are right. I won't try to catch here out. It might make me get more upset if she doesn't own up n really, she could do worse things couldn't she?

03-03-10, 12:46
You are right that your daughter could do much worse. It is the sort of thing that she might have copied off TV or a book. I think it is always a shock when we realise that our offspring have lied to us but it is a natural part of growing up. I think as long as you emphasise that truth in the things that really matter is really important. It wouldn't do any harm just to have a conversation with her just now but not mention the pepperami. She will know that she has lied and that is what is important.

My eldest is 11 and she is not unknown to tell the odd lie. She isn't very good at it and generally gets caught out:)


03-03-10, 13:44
Thanks happyone, thats useful advice.

07-03-10, 02:20
by not yet existing, i cant say thats suprised me tho tbh

10-03-10, 17:13
Took my daughter to the hairdressers last Saturday. I tried to pursuade her to have her hair cut into a bob again and she said "I am not having a bob Mummy"...I said "why not, you look lovely with a bob" and she replied "I'm not having a bob, boys only like girls with long hair". SHE IS 9 YEARS OLD! I was playing connect 4 n downfall at that age. We are going to have problems methinks!

10-03-10, 17:34
Well smudger,
It was only a little white child lie,,,there is a funny side to it,,made me laugh! Yes i'm sure mine lie about little silly things now and then,,,as long as they don't tell great big lies i'm not to concerned...
There is a funny side to what she did,,,,
Regards Wayne,,,

10-03-10, 21:57
Wayne, mentioned the rest of the pepperami this weekend and she never owned up! Tut tut!

10-03-10, 22:06
Well smudger,,,thats kids for you!!! i will tell you a funny story,,,you know them mini bags of choc buttons you get?? Son who is 6 ask for some the other day, so i got them from the kitchen, because there small packs i shouted through do you want 2 bags???
He replied,,,,, No i dont want teabags cause they wont taste nice dad....he thought i said do you want teabags,,,not 2 bags!!!! me and the wife laughed so much.

10-03-10, 22:14
Very funny. I like it.

When Lucy was about 4 yrs old she said in a dead serious tone as we sat in a traffic jam "oh no, its a jam traffic!"...hee hee!

10-03-10, 22:15
and she has asked why the moon follows us!

10-03-10, 22:17
Lol,,that one is good,,,,You have a good taste in names smudger,,,our daughter is called Lucy too!!!

10-03-10, 22:22
She came downstairs after bedtime this evening (never turned Gordon Ramsey off so quick in all my life!) n said "Mummy I've got a sick tummy like you, I need to stay up. I said "Oh, we had better go to the docs in the morning to get your stomach pumped like Grandad had when he had a sick tummy in the army (he had dysentry)."...she responded "what happens?" and I said "they put a tube in your mouth and suck out your stomach contents"...she looked at me and grinned and said "my stomache feels better now, goodnight"..............kids!

10-03-10, 22:25
Wayne, she isn't Lucy Jane by any chance is she? Now that would be spooky!

10-03-10, 22:28
Lol,,,i must remember that one!!! Not got one for aching legs have you Lynne? Our daughter says she is not going to school tomorrow because her legs hurt...lol
Wish it was that easy to have a day of work,,,,,,can't come in tomorrow,,,my legs hurt!!!! lol...

10-03-10, 22:39
I remember when my son was under 2 and we were having dinner at my parents, he was sat in his high chair and shouted "f**k off, f**k off" We were all mortified (my dad shot me THAT look). Imagine my relief when we realised he had dropped his FORK on the floor and was actually saying "fork off"!!! :doh:

13-03-10, 14:12
sunshine-lady thats is SO funny!lol!

14-03-10, 10:17
Hows about this for MOTHERS DAY!

Hubby has daughter doing housework and she just moaned to him "I don't want to do this...I want to sit on the settee n cuddle mummy all day...thats what you are supposed to do on Mother's Day"...funny that coz thats what I do with my daughter 364 days a year when its not Mothers Day, just sit on the settee! Do you get where I am coming from?lol! She is SO good at emotional blackmail!lol!

14-03-10, 16:56

I remember when my daughter Charlene was 2years old, and it was the first time she had seen snow. we came out of the eye clinic, I carried her across the road to the bus stop, I put her down on the snow, she would not move, I lifted her back up, she asked me what this horrible mess was, I did my best to explain what it was and told her it was snow. after a while waiting on the bus, found out there were no buses, we had to wait for a taxi, my daughter says, mummy need to get granny to hovuer up this mess. I couldnt stop laughing, my daughter thought the snow could be houvered up.. lol now when it snows, my daughter never out of the snow.


14-03-10, 18:42
Thats so cute, when I was little my Mom said I looked pout of the window n said "oh look Mummy, theres sugar everywhere!".

14-03-10, 19:31
Thats so cute, when I was little my Mom said I looked pout of the window n said "oh look Mummy, theres sugar everywhere!".

Hi Smudger,

That's is too funny. lol... kids are amazing.


14-03-10, 19:37

I also remember when Charlene twin brother Frank also at the age of 2 years, we were on the bus, we passed houses being built, Frank asked what was those funny shapes with all that mess. there was a sand hill, rubble hill and half built houses, I suppose to Frank at age of 2, looked like a huge mess, Frank says mummy granny got to houver up that mess. when we got home, he let his granny know she had a job to do... Glad my mom seen the funny side, I was worried she was going to get angry about it... phew..


14-03-10, 21:00
Ha ha...like it!

14-03-10, 21:15
Yeah,,you have to laugh when you look back at what your kids have done in the past,,,, here's one mine are famous for!!!!!
I would put my shoes on, and find all kind of crippling devices inside, little soldiers, lego to name just a few, ooouchhh!!!! Oh a marble once,,,that B hurt,,,lol.
Still,,not to worry cause in a few years time when dads old, crippled and in a wheelchair, guess who's pushing it?????????
Hope that made you all laugh!!!

15-03-10, 09:23
Ha ha Wayne, you have exactly my husbands sense of humour, that is the sort of irony he would point out!lol!

15-03-10, 09:33
One of Lucy's baby teeth fell out yesterday (she is 9). Before she went to bed she left a note for the tooth fairy asking her for a special treat (if she would be so kind). She then told me some of the kids at school said there isn't a tooth fairy n that mum n dad put money under your pillow. "Is that true mum?" she asked. Well can u believe it I just grinned n said nothing...how can I tell her that mum n dad are liars and that all the excitement is false? Life is so cruel to children growing up! And I am such a coward for not admitting the truth...I just want to keep my baby for a while longer!

Later on, something she hasn't done since she first had a proper bed...she came into our room at 4am this morning and said "mummy, the tooth fairy has left me a pound and her name is Ruby because she signed my letter...argh! Go to bed, its 4am!

Then this morning I caught her on my laptop googling The Tooth Fairy to see if its true! Maybe I should have a word with her this evening! It comes to something when a 9 yr old has to google to get the truth doesn't it? Why do I get all the horrible jobs!

15-03-10, 09:53
I'm not sure I quite like your cure for her tummy ache! This is the kind of things my mum used to tell me and It did not do me any favours when growing up. It just made me more fearful of illness. Anyway, 9 year olds lie, its a fact. They exaggerate, manufacture stories and twist the truth. Parents then become distrustful and suspicious of their children and the children in return become more unruky and dishonest. It becomes a vicious cycle. Your girl is obviously lying to get her own way and it is very common in childen of this age, i bet if you spoke to her friends parents they will tell you similiar stories and over the nex few years it is likely to get worse for a while. Your role is to encourage honesty. Praise and reward her when you are sure she as been honest. Encourage her to be honest by showing her how honest you and your hubby are and start off by explaining to her that you value her honesty and prefer to hear the truth than a fabrication. Dont go on and on about it though, just every so often, remind her that honesty is the best policy and dont keep trying to catch her out. Remember also that this is normal for kids of her age and it is by no means anything you have done in her upbringing. Kids just like to push the boundaries and see how much they can get away with.
Good luck but this is not going to happen overnight. x

15-03-10, 12:41
I'm not sure I quite like your cure for her tummy ache! This is the kind of things my mum used to tell me and It did not do me any favours when growing up. It just made me more fearful of illness. x

Hi, don't worry, I wasn't serious when I said this to her. The tone you say things in and your face make a difference, I was grinning at the time and so was she! She got the point I was trying to make, and she is generally a sensible child but thanks for the advice! I appreciate its well meant and I understand where you are coming from!

15-03-10, 14:25
Hey Smudger! yeah I guessed that you were only joking around with your girl and you seem like such a caring and concerned Mum. Sorry if i caused any offence, it wasnt meant like that hun . x

15-03-10, 14:31
Last year when my daughter was fifteen she came home with a ring through her nose! I was surprised all right and shocked and didnt know what to do. She told me she couldnt take it out as the hole would go all bad...like the gullible fool I am I believed her!!! Her dad never found out as when he was home she would flip it up her nose! Luckily for us all she got fed up with it and took it out to be quickly followed by a belly ring, much better though, she doesnt have to hide this one from her dad!!!

15-03-10, 18:21
Hey Smudger! yeah I guessed that you were only joking around with your girl and you seem like such a caring and concerned Mum. Sorry if i caused any offence, it wasnt meant like that hun . x

No problem, not at all, but it did make me think about how easy it is to put ideas into kids minds by saying stuff like that! Very scary thought isn't it?

15-03-10, 18:25
Her dad never found out as when he was home she would flip it up her nose!

That made me smile. I love to see a diamond stud in a girls nose, its so pretty.