View Full Version : Feeling very alone!!!

02-03-10, 18:49
Been depressed for few years now and only just recently been to the Doctors to do something about it. I am on Citalopram 20mg at the moment, too early to tell if they are doing any good or not but have got a few side effects (nausea and loss of apetite)!!

Hopefully 1 day will feel normal again !!!


02-03-10, 18:50
Hi Emzie

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

ally b
02-03-10, 21:06
:welcome: Emzie.You will find so much advice and support on here.Keep us posted on ur journey,wether good or bad. :flowers:

02-03-10, 21:10
Hi ive just started taking that aswel with 5mg of diazepam your not alone ive only just built up the courage to go to the doctors good luck xx

02-03-10, 21:22
Hi. :welcome: Lynne