View Full Version : does any 1 else get this

02-03-10, 19:20
got a horrible feeliing in my chest like you get in ur stomach when on a rollercoster but ts in my chest also feel shakey and hot is this my anxiety or something else....thanks

02-03-10, 20:01
Sounds like anxiety to me

I have had strange chest sensations, The good old shakes and the bouts of sweating these are all classic anxiety symptoms


ally b
02-03-10, 20:55
For sure,defo anxiety lisa. Another cruel symptom of this illness.:hugs:

02-03-10, 22:14
Sounds like the axiety adrenaline rush.

02-03-10, 22:40
lisa i get this hun its terrible like somethinks in mychest like butterflys comes on out of the bllue an seems to cause my heart to race its strange it rolls up in my chest an throat ,does feel like my hearts jumping like wen ur on a rollarcoaster i think its fear frm the panic very horrible!! how are u anyway apart frm this |?hope ur well love chanty xxxx

02-03-10, 22:46
Lisa i get these sensations too and i describe them the same as you have! it lasts only a second,is totally random and i also get the same sensation going over my head at the same time, and after its passed i get lightheaded and hot and shaky.
My doctor said its my body giving me adrenoline rushes at inapropriate times, caused by anxiety.
They scare the hell out of me, and have turned me from a happy, confident easy going woman to a jibbering wreck who can barely leave the house, these sensations are the worst thing i have ever experienced in my life, i would happily give birth a hundred times if it was guaranteed that i would never experience them again.