View Full Version : INTRODUCING ME - Over-breathing symptoms

02-03-10, 19:36
Came across this site when searching for help for my symptoms. Can't believe there are so many of us suffering from such a variety of symptoms all stemming mainly from one thing - anxiety! I have suffered from anxiety all my life really but at certain times it has peaked making life unbearable. Now is one of those times. Over the past few years I have been through divorce, the breakup of a relationship with a man I really loved, worry about being made redundant, moved 4 times, had worries about one of my children, money worries, etc etc. Even though now things have settled down a bit and I at last have my own home (and 3 cats!), I think it is really catching up with me. I went to the dr yesterday and have been put in Citalopram which I was on a few years ago and seemed to help with panic and anxiety. My main symptoms are dizziness and numbness in my right leg (particularly at the ankle and foot), pins and needles and tingley feelings in my face. I had these sensations a few years ago and it was diagnosed as over-breathing. When you breathe in too much and don't breathe out enough you get a build up of CO2 in your bloodstream which causes the symptoms I have described. Although I find the numbness very worrying (which makes the anxiety worse!), I know that this is what is causing it. I am going to look into learning breathing techniques - so if anyone can help with this it would be good to hear from you. It's a viscious circle - you get anxious so you overbreathe, you then get the symptoms so you get more anxious! Sorry bit of a long introduction!

02-03-10, 19:37
Hi Betsie

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-03-10, 19:57

I know exactly what you mean i tend to for some reason notice my breathing so then wonder if im getting enough air then i start getting anxious about it and the overbreathing starts. like you say a vicious circle. I found distrcction works well for me , if i can get my mind off breathing the natural rythm takes ove then i calmdown and normal service is resumed.

I use reading a good book, Playing some of the games on here or playing my guitar. A hobby would be great that requires concentration.

Best of luck

marc x

02-03-10, 21:13
Thanks Marc, but I seem to have it all the time or at least for long periods of time - like days. I know thinking about it makes it worse though. But do you get any symptoms from it? I'll go and buy a guitar tomorrow :) x

02-03-10, 22:03
i sometimes get tingling in my fingers and very occasionally in my right leg

All the best Betsy let me know how you go you are the firt i have seen with this problem i thought it was just me

Marc x