View Full Version : Anger problems

02-03-10, 19:38
Does anybody suffer anger problems? The last few days or weeks I've been boiling due to my love life not going far, had a go at some woman on dating sites as they keep going silent on me.

Plus the dog barking next door is causing me extreme anger and I'm worried I have some kind of mental illness.

People say take a break from love but I've been single that long it's more urgent than ever. :lac:

02-03-10, 21:39
I suffered anger whilst on mirtazapine. Its gone now I have come off it. You aren't on it by any chance are you?

03-03-10, 02:19
Anger ... wow yes, thats me... its like something turned in me of recent and I have lashed out where I never thought I would. I'm not on any meds at all at the moment and this maybe why .... though have been feeling very run down and low too..

lots of physical symptoms doubled with problems at home think some how got too much...

Try not to take it too much to heart by dating sites... I don't like them to be honest with you, caused me a lot of pain (and I don't even use them).. and I think that some people on those sites are players...

There are genuine people I'm sure but I think of them as a curse... it is all too easy to get drawn in and I believe that it really has stopped people working at relationships anymore...

Is there no other way to meet someone..don't get angry with people you haven't even met..its not worth it... talk to women who are prepared to hold normal conversations with you and over time that genuine one will be there...unless you like to play..then I guess I will just shut up ....lol

hug sent and don't let it get you down

03-03-10, 18:29
Anger ... wow yes, thats me... its like something turned in me of recent and I have lashed out where I never thought I would. I'm not on any meds at all at the moment and this maybe why .... though have been feeling very run down and low too..

lots of physical symptoms doubled with problems at home think some how got too much...

Try not to take it too much to heart by dating sites... I don't like them to be honest with you, caused me a lot of pain (and I don't even use them).. and I think that some people on those sites are players...

There are genuine people I'm sure but I think of them as a curse... it is all too easy to get drawn in and I believe that it really has stopped people working at relationships anymore...

Is there no other way to meet someone..don't get angry with people you haven't even met..its not worth it... talk to women who are prepared to hold normal conversations with you and over time that genuine one will be there...unless you like to play..then I guess I will just shut up ....lol

hug sent and don't let it get you down


I am just soo angry again today as woman go silent on me and they never want anything serious but I would. Having been single almost three years seems nobody gives me any credit that I may want to meet somebody.

I am actually blaming luck and life and not these woman. I'm sick of it same old. All I want is a bit of company and it's just making me so angry as I get the same type that seem keen, then they are not. Not going to get far that way?

I have really been boiling..How much longer will it go on? the more angry I get I know I'm not doing myself any good..what's a bit of conversation with a woman on a dating site? if I can't get that which I can't I am rock bottom with it..

No hope!! :lac:

03-03-10, 23:54
Hi, I've found that anxiety and depression have made me feel angry and frustrated a lot. I'm not generally an angry person, I didn't used to be. I find now though that I feel angry or frustrated and then I turn on myself, blame myself and feel rage at myself for being pathetic and weak and useless and not good enough and doing the wrong thing.

It seems to me with relationships that good ones come up when you're not looking. The feelings take you by surprise. I have a problem with dating in general, be in a blind date, speeding dating or internet dating. It seems artificial and stressful to be in a situation where you both know you're there to judge each other. It is hard to meet people when you have social anxiety and aren't working. Maybe join some forums or social networking groups based on things that interest you and see who you meet that way, keeping an open mind about whether the people you get to know are friends or potential girlfriends.

04-03-10, 20:18
Hi Phil

Its okay to get angry ... but unlike me don't unleash it ...

How about a social group of a small to medium size something linked with interests that you hold. Maybe there are online forums for those interests where you will be talking to likeminded people.

They arrange meetups and you can go for company and who knows ...but seriously don't hold your breathe or put all your apples into the dating sites basket...

The girls you may be talking to may not be about every night... and guess that is how you should take it... if they are around and you are both up for a bit of chat then cool but if not then its not to be....

Don't let it hurt you ..... I know easier said than done. I spent many many years alone... after my violent marriage... through choice and fear I guess but I became very independent and enjoyed the things that I enjoyed and made friends along the route... I fell madly in love and I'm the most needy clingy woman ever and can't even do the monthly shop..without panic setting in. I couldn't see myself without my partner but I had some truly wonderful times whilst BY MYSELF.. I could just be ME... and YOU can enjoy being YOU and not allow people on these sites who you may not even like in person, make you feel there is something wrong in YOU.... spend time getting to know the ones that treat you with equal respect and forget the others..but please remember what I said they may just not be around each night that you are online...so take that into consideration if you know they are and they are rude enough to ignore then you don't need any of us to really tell you what to do hun.

All I mean by that is find you... I would say the same be you man or woman...because it is the truth... don't accept second best ... there is someone wonderful out there.. waiting just as you are.. and when the time is right you will meet.. until then... enjoy the things that interest you...besides girls Phil lol, and make friends along the way...

Also don't forget the chatroom on NMP can be a laugh too x

05-03-10, 11:14
anger?? thats my middle name!!! lol

05-03-10, 19:56
I'm fed up of woman on dating sites lots of convo one day but they so silent or you never hear from them again? It's all I get and it's making me very annoyed...why do they do it?

05-03-10, 22:53
us women r strange creatures! even i dont understand us!

06-03-10, 08:55
Anger at circumstance can be difficult to solve since it is often difficult to change, like children who don't like their family for instance. Learn to accept reality as it naturally is. Avoid circumstance that causes anger whenever possible, like avoiding certain people, situations and relationships. Learn one's own capacities and do not get angry at one's inability to live up to things that are not realistic for one's own abilities. Many times these things may become possible as one gets older, or they may simply be impossible. Personally not planning on ever becoming a millionaire. Not fair is it? It may help to accept the world the way one finds it and not create anger by having unrealistic expectations.