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02-03-10, 22:51
hi my name is kel and im male im on new tablets for deppression but i think they are giving me panic attacts any body any ideas or answers many thanks kel

02-03-10, 22:52
Hi kel39uk2009

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-03-10, 22:56
many thanks nicola i have a good family but times its hard

02-03-10, 23:10
Hi Kel Don't know anything about your meds - but i was told that it would take about 2 weeks to get over the panic attacks the meds cause. i found that it has taken about a month for them to work - stick in there kel.

02-03-10, 23:19
found it dulice thanks ill speak to doc as i think there making me worse as feb was really bad lucky to be here was getting better then back to square 1 from x getting in touch ive pushed my family so far but lucky there still here 4r me

02-03-10, 23:22
my meds are citaclam i think and progzimine i think

02-03-10, 23:26
Keep going to doc until they got it right - since i been on this site i didn't no how many different meds were around. i got anxiety that has jumped up and bit me again after 3 years clear - i also on anti depressants. Lucky family are great about it!! they new i was a nut before i was diagnosed!!!

02-03-10, 23:30
never tried it but maybe put meds name into search - this site will prob tell you about them. I might try that myself

02-03-10, 23:37
mine is becoz of my marriage break up at crimbo 4r a month n half messing wth my head coz it just came out ov the blue and she had been planning it for months so when it all came out a lot of things were said and done mainly me as i tryed to end it 3 times in 2 months feb beening the worse sum days are good then others are bad but thank you 4r listening

03-03-10, 12:57
Hi Kel, Is your medication called citalopram??? If so, you are probably having side effects. This medication is excellent but unfortunatley until it gets into your system (usually around 2 weeks but sometimes bit longer) it can cause side effects, increased anxiety, insomnia etc.
Hope this helps. Jo.