View Full Version : Freak out!!!!!!!!! Im in pain and don't feel well ,whats wrong with me?

03-03-10, 00:00
Over the last week or so , I haven't been myself.I don't feel well and my jaws are aching and my teeth hurt and just a general feeling bad.. I thought it was anxiety but today I felt like I had fever.. and checked and it was 98.5 which for me is low grade because mine temp is usually 96.5.. So im kind of freaked out here.. My throat is hurting, my jaws and teeth..

I feel like im choking somewhat. I took antibotics with my tooth the other day but for only three days .. Should have taken them longer. When I get up im tired and feel a little lightheaded and bad. My eyes play tricks on me and I feel blah which usually is a sign im not feeling good physically .. Im really worried it could be something bad but I have been around a lot of dust and also in and out of the cold so it might be something like just a cold or touch of the flu.. My stomach hasn't been feeling good and just miserable aches and pains all over..

Could it just be my allergies ? Im hurting right under my ears and my jaws hurt where they connect at my scull and im just freaking out wondering if I have lock jaw or something .. Anyone feel this way too?

03-03-10, 00:55
Sounds like you are coming down with the flu, you sound achy and all symptoms are around your head area.

The fact that you have worked yourself up so much about this is probably why you feel so giddy in your tummy and the vision issuse. Without even realising you probably have your adrenelain running through your body and it is giving you all the other anx symptoms.

Try and relax, as if it is a cold it will pass.
The more you think about it the worse you will feel but you wont actually get any worse if that makes sense.

I am reading claire weekes and what she mentions is when you start to feel you panic, really hone in on it and feel it, you will notice that it will not get worse, try and accept it rather than fight it.
It takes time and it wont happen over night but yeah ... i highly recommend reading her book! I think you would benefit from it highly. If anything it helps you understand and that is what I find is the most frustrating part of our anx is that we all just dont understand it and cant accept it.

All the best!

03-03-10, 01:42
Antibiotics lower the immune system and you really should have finished the course as by not doing so the symptoms can come back with a vengence.

Sounds like you are getting run down.. take lots of vits and see the doc possibly they can give you a larger dose of antibiotics which they sometimes will to shock the system and make you heal ...

Take good care of yourself x