View Full Version : Am I mad?

03-03-10, 00:40
I've been on Citalopram for nearly 3 years, ending up at the max 40g, On Friday after explaining my yet again horrendous thoughts ( i won't bore you with details) The Doc put me on Prozac to give me more energy and give me "get up and go" as he put it, Then he also gave me Atarax to calm me from the "high" of the prozac. Since Sunday i've beena complete yoyo of a mess. I actually thought I was going to die of a heartattck yesterday and was going to go to hospital, But the attarax sorted me out(and knocked me out) so I managed to half function at work. Not to scare any parents, I do work at a School and am still more than capable of working, it's just every other factor of my life.
So please, If you have any advice. I need it before exploding.

03-03-10, 00:44
Hi luiandguss

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-03-10, 13:05
Hi, no you are not going mad!! Its just the side effects from the change of meds. Did your Gp do a straight swop or did he wean you off citalopram (as they are both SRR's he probably just did straight swop)..you need to allow yourself a couple of weeks at least for the new meds to get into your system. Its good that you can still function at work, some people cannot even go to work when taking meds initially (me being one of them). Hang on in there and I am sure you will be fine. Good luck. Jo.

P.S. Hope you are not a teacher at my daughters school!!! LOL!!!

03-03-10, 13:11
I've been on Citalopram for nearly 3 years, ending up at the max 40g, On Friday after explaining my yet again horrendous thoughts ( i won't bore you with details) The Doc put me on Prozac to give me more energy and give me "get up and go" as he put it, Then he also gave me Atarax to calm me from the "high" of the prozac. Since Sunday i've beena complete yoyo of a mess. I actually thought I was going to die of a heartattck yesterday and was going to go to hospital, But the attarax sorted me out(and knocked me out) so I managed to half function at work. Not to scare any parents, I do work at a School and am still more than capable of working, it's just every other factor of my life.
So please, If you have any advice. I need it before exploding.

Hi AND :welcome:to NMP ..You do sound like you are experiencing discontinuation syndrome and side effects from your switch in medication .It can be very frightening especially when you dont know what s causing it .If you have abruptly stopped the Citalopram without weaning you r dose it will take a while to get out of your system .The same goes for the Prozac ,but that needs to stabilise and get into the system .All will take about 3 weeks,maybe sooner ,everyone reacts differently , You may find you experience the odd day where you get symptoms a few weeks longer tho ,this is perfectly normal It can be a bit of a yoyo effect ..The Prozac will become at its most effective at around 6 weeks .There is a sub forum for Medications and you will find more useful info and support there ..If you are worried in the meantime it wont hurt to speak to your Dr ,he will be able to reassure you what you are experiencing is perfectly normal ...Hope you feel better soon Sue :hugs:

03-03-10, 13:41
Hi. Don't worry, as everybody has explained you are not going mad, if you are, we all are!lol! I suffered many side effects coming off 40mg citalopram n I thought I too was going mad! It will get better just try and be patient. Hard I know but take comfort that you are reacting to the change in meds. Keep us posted how you are feeling won't you?