View Full Version : high bp reading freaking out :(

03-03-10, 02:34
I had to go to the hospital today to have a pre op assesment to have some teeth removed. During the first part of the assesment the nurse took my blood pressure and commented that my heart rate was high she then said that my blood pressure was high and asked if I had ever had high bp before. I told her that I had not and she said that maybe it was because I was anxious. She said that she would get the other nurse to take it again during the second half.

The second nurse was lovely and we had a long chat about different things and I felt quite relaxed so I was really shocked when she took my blood pressure and said the reading was 140/107 :ohmy:

I'm 29 years old and have never had blood pressure problems before. I asked her if it was serious and she said that it wasn't terrible but could be if I dont see my gp and see what they say. I immeadiatly felt like crying as my main health anxiety issues are with my heart and stuff.

I am so scared it feels like all my worst fears are coming true I keep thinking about what she said about how it could be serious :weep:

03-03-10, 02:43
dont worry too much matey.............your blood pressure can just be high because you are stressed

03-03-10, 02:45
Thanks randomworry Im hoping it was just because I was worried about the initial high reading :unsure:

03-03-10, 05:24

i know how concerned you are about this, but hospitals and drs/nurses, or even seeing that dammed bp machine gives me the same type of readings, they get to be a bit lower at home, but still border line high, i am completely phobic about it, i am sure it was the stress of being at the hosp, i am sure your bp goes much lower when you are in a less stressful situation and more relaxed, try not to worry about it, easier said than done i know .


P x :flowers:

03-03-10, 09:51

i know how concerned you are about this, but hospitals and drs/nurses, or even seeing that dammed bp machine gives me the same type of readings, they get to be a bit lower at home, but still border line high, i am completely phobic about it, i am sure it was the stress of being at the hosp, i am sure your bp goes much lower when you are in a less stressful situation and more relaxed, try not to worry about it, easier said than done i know .


P x :flowers:

I am exactly like this too i am on tablets for high bp and the nurse who took it the last few times told me she's 100% sure it's only anxiety bp and if i wasn't anxious it would be normal..Just going into the dr's surgery makes me anxious even if it's just to take my kids.. x x

03-03-10, 10:42
Me too, exactly the same. I think its called 'white coat syndrome'! I was initially treated for high blood pressure but all the time I new it was anxiety. It wasn't until I saw the third Dr in my practice that he understood me too. Took me off high blood pressure tablets because they made me so ill and put me on citalopram. I am now feeling much better and when I take my blood pressure at home it is quite normal (120/80'ish), which I think is quite normal :-) Please don't worry, as the other posts have said, it is more than likely anxiety causing this, but obviously get it checked with your gp if you are still feeling very anxious about it.

All the best to you.

Jannie x x

03-03-10, 13:29
I have terrible white coat syndrome and my pulse goes up to 150!!! whenever I have to be in a hospital and I know they are going take bp and pulse - my bp is anything from 140/90 to 150/97 but its my pulse that is the horror.
I can't even take it with home bp machine as soon as I get the machine out of the box my pulse shoots up.
YOur bp of 140/107 wasn't that bad really for anxiety - the 140 is okay just the bottom figure high. Wonder if anyone can beat me on the high pulse stakes!!

05-03-10, 23:22
Thank you for the replies I am seeing my doctor on Tuesday and I am hoping that it will be a bit better. My only concern is that being anxious about the high reading will cause it to be high still :(

Its a new doctor that I have never seen before and he doesnt have all my notes yet so Im going to have to explain about the anxiety which is gonna be stressful in itself. I just hope I get a nice understanding doctor.

pussy cat
06-03-10, 01:19
try not to worry to much as it,s a very high possibility that it is anxiety thats causing the problem,i suffer with this if i don,t see my own doc - stupid i know but i like & trust my own doctor & feel at ease with him,this makes all the difference in the world. good luck :flowers: