View Full Version : Brain tumour - need advice asap

03-03-10, 05:54
Hey, I'm really freaking out I have a brain tumour at the mo. I tend to feel fine when I get up but later in the day I get pains round my eyes, a sharp pain in head, dizziness and light headedness and all these symptoms point to brain tumour. Any ideas? I think I'm dying why else wud I feel so bad? Could this be a brain tumour?

Please reply ASAP
love louise Xxxxx

03-03-10, 07:37
Hi Louise

Try not to worry hunni, a brain tumour doesnt only cause problems at certain times of the day. The symptoms you are describing are classic anxiety symptoms. Have you seen your GP? If not, then make an appointment and Im sure they will be able to reassure you. In the meantime try listening to relaxation tapes and do some breathing exercises. Your GP should be able to advise you on those too. Theres also loads of info on here in the problems/issues section which you may find helpful.

Sending you hugs


03-03-10, 08:44
a brian tumor typically presents with severe headaches upon waking.

plus, you DO NOT have one anyway. If you are very concerened, a simple trip to see your GP is all it takes to be put at ease. Or you could go get your eyes tested..they can look behind your eyes to check for signs of increased cranial pressure.

I was worried abt brain cancer a couple of times. Had visual disturbances, problems thinking straight/understanding things, Numb/tingling limbs etc etc..Had MRI, eye test..All normal..absoutely normal. Please, dont get yourself too worked abt something that is a relatively rare occurance.

03-03-10, 10:32
I hate to say it but this is anxiety manifesting.

Also, any chance you work on computers.... these symptoms can manifest from staring at screens for too long. My optician actually warned me against this.

Don't worry. It doesn't sound sinister at all.

Cell block H fan
03-03-10, 14:21
I agree with never relaxed, brain tumours are a morning thing. My mum had a scan because of waking with headaches. Even hers was clear, no tumour. When they come on later in the day it is usually eye strain or diet/stress related.
I went through a phase of getting a migraine every saturday, every week for about 6 weeks without fail by afternoon I would have it. I realised it was my early 5am start on saturday at work, followed by pancakes with maple syrup about 10.30. Stopping the pancakes stopped the migraines. Must have been a sugar rush maybe. Just have toast at 5am & maybe a banana. Miss the pancakes though :o(