View Full Version : Colonoscopy advice needed, please.

Desprate Dan
03-03-10, 08:14
Hello my freinds, I really hope that you can give me some advice?? Has anyone of you been for a colonoscopy (Not sure if its spelt right)?

Firstly i work machinery far away from any toilet, i have been told that the day before i will given some medication which will help empty my bowels to get me ready for the colonscopy, this would make my job almost impossible as i cant leave the machine.. Should i be entitled to take the day off work and be paid??

And i have been told that i will be given sedetive and shouldnt be left alone or operate machinery or drive for a further 24 hours, this will mean another day off from work as i have to drive a fair distance and the operate machinery.. I understand my health comes first but i cant really afford to loose 3 days wage..

I would like to know your views please.



03-03-10, 08:33
Hi Dan,

My husband had 'both' ends done last year. You really need to take the day off when you are drinking the drink that clears the bowels. As soon as the drink/medication starts to work you will need to be very close to a toilet. My husband stayed next to our toilet for most of the day.
My husband took the 3 days off, after all you are having a procedure and from my experience with my husband let yourself have the time off.
You need to discuss with your firm if you they will pay you, can you take the time off as paid holiday if they say no?
Good luck, you will be fine :hugs:

Desprate Dan
03-03-10, 10:46
Thanks ZoJo,

Yes thats what i was concerned about, If i go to work i will get caught short because i am so far away from the machine, and after the colonscopy it states i shouldnt operate machinery for 24hrs after, if i go into work and have an accident, they will turn round and say its my fault i shouldnt have come to work.. But i cant afford to take 3 days off unpaid, and my holidays are all booked up so i couldnt use them, i just think its a little unfair, if you have to go into hospital through no fault of your own, you will have to loose out financially..

Thanks again for your advice its much appreciated. I am not looking forward to the procedure and the thought i will be looseing 3 days pay is only adding to the stress..


03-03-10, 13:25
Dan please believe me there is no way you can even leave the bathroom for about 2 hrs after you drink the first prep- there is no warning whatsoever you just go like turning a tap on - sorry for being graphic but I would hate you to not stay at home for the prep . i can move fast when I want to yet I could barely get from the chair next to the toilet to the toilet without having an accident:blush:
I was given a prep called fleet which is dynamite and they love because it really cleans the bowels completely. You take it twice 12 hrs apart and the worst of the effect is past in about 4 hrs. Make sure you drink gallons of fluid that day or you will get dangerously dehydrated.
As previous posted said her husband had 3 days off work and this is what you need to do if you are having this test.
Good luck

03-03-10, 19:40
Hey Dan,

Why not schedule if on a Friday, that way you would have the weekend to recover? Just explain to the hospital that you need a Friday appointment, I'm sure they could accommodate you.

03-03-10, 20:58
Your company should surely let you take the time off as sickness?

03-03-10, 22:51
When i had a colonoscopy i drank the prep stuff while on the loo and kept the laptop with me lol :D

The sedative didn't affect me for long - maybe an hour, but still best to have the day off just to be safe.

As everyone else has said, you will need some time off work and good luck!

03-03-10, 22:52
my mum hardly had any movements after taking the lax! lol. everyones diff i guess...she was high as a kite from the sedative too.

03-03-10, 23:25
I was put totally out for my colonoscopy. When I went home, I was fine. I didn't feel loopy or anything. You def need to be off work when you have to drink the lovely tasing stuff though.

03-03-10, 23:50
I forgot to add that I asked for half sedation when I had mine so I was able to function later that day.

It depends how much pain/discomfort you can tolerate but I didn't want to be totally sedated and I was fine with that.

The day before - no way can you work!! I sat on the loo most of the day and night

04-03-10, 16:48
Hi i work on a gastroenterology ward a a nurse/ you will be given a 'prep' solution to clear the bowels out before going for the colonoscopy. you will defin itely need the day off and to be by a toilet because even those that can control their bowels usually need to go un-known to them sometimes.

Any other questions feel free to ask