View Full Version : can this cause cancer?

03-03-10, 10:10
hi guys i have a different worry at the moment, i havnt been on here in a while as i have been feeling alot better and i feel it sometimes feeds my anxietys. Well last night whilst at work i was scratching my leg and i accidently scratched a tiny raised mole off, not all the way it is sort of hanging off(sorry if its a little early lol) it bled a little but not much but someone at work said to me that i should go to the doctors, im now stressing that this could cause cancer ive had no sleep and i feel sick worrying about it. Could please someone offer me some advice whether i should go to the docs or if it is ok to do this,

03-03-10, 10:18
Hi There

I really shouldn't worry honestly.
I used to have a big mole on my throat, one day while mucking about with hubby goodness knows how we managed it but between us we caught it and half of it broke off, it bled like hell for a while then stopped. I went to docs but there was nothing to worry about, she did say however that it was unsightly:blush: and had me go up hospital to get the thing cut off.

So please don't worry, all will be fine.:)

03-03-10, 10:29
Nope. Don;t worry. It's not cancer causing. Most skin cancer is sun related. Guys who have moles on their faces cut them shaving all the time, and this doesn't manifest as cancer. Please don't worry.

And take this from Leigh, the Mole Expert. I have had a cancerous mole (all sun related when I was younger) and have read everything I can possibly read on the subject.

Relax, put some aloe vera gel and a plaster on it, and enjoy your day.


03-03-10, 10:32
oh thank you so much this is a great weight lifted off my shoulders,
thanks again xxx

03-03-10, 10:41
It sounds like you feel ok about this now, but thought I'd add that when I was a kiddy I recall deliberately scratching off a raised mole on my leg. I didn't actually know what it was, but just remember 'getting it off' and it bleeding. Didn't cause me any problems !