View Full Version : Stopped smoking and just need to wise words of wisdom

03-03-10, 12:30
Hiya everyone
Its day 7 of stopping smoking and i am using the patches (so far so good)
Its not that i want a cig i just feel more tightness in my chest so the anxiety has kicked in and i just feel little breathless which is all connected...i guess i just need little support.
There is no way i am going back to smoking as mum as been ill in hospital recently and was on oxygen for 4 wks (added stress)

Good luck to everyone who has stopping and keep it up

03-03-10, 13:50
Hi. Ive never smoked but I admire you for trying to stop. I am addicted to coffee n I'm finding it hard to give up but I keep trying. I think we both need a distraction. I keep busy coz that stops me putting the kettle on so often. Good luck, think of all the good you are doing for your health.:yesyes:

03-03-10, 17:57
Just a note of encouragement as I know how difficult it is. Believe me it is all worth while as I am sure you know. The early days are the worst in terms of unwanted symptoms, but these will soon pass and you will begin to reap all the benefits..just wanted to cheer you on and wish you all the best. You will certainly be able to do this as you seem a strong person. :yesyes:

Vanilla Sky
03-03-10, 18:18
I am into my 3rd week now and i've noticed my anxiety seems to have calmed down a bit. Like you when i tried to give up last year , i experienced a bit more anxiety so i went back on them :mad: But however i won't be this time and even if it does come back i'm not going to give in, i don't want to go through the withdrawels again , We can do this :yesyes: Keep up the good work xxx

03-03-10, 21:19
Wow Paige thats really encouraging. Good for you, well done!

03-03-10, 21:32
Stopping smoking is such a huge achievement so please feel proud of yourself. It's difficult in the early days but it will get easier and you'll feel so good inside just knowing that you no longer smoke. It's something you'll no longer have to worry about. Well done:yesyes:

03-03-10, 22:31
Log onto www.quitnet.com (http://www.quitnet.com) a free support site. 7 weeks quit and I agree that the first few weeks can be a challenge but it is so worth it. Take one day at a time, one hour or one minute at some stages but do not smoke no matter what, take smoking off the table, do not make it an option for coping with stress.
Best wishes

03-03-10, 22:41
I quit and 4 months ago and looking back wonder why I even bothered sometimes! But please keep going at it and it is wonderful to hear how
well you guys are doing. My anxiety went up for a couple of weeks and the
tight chest symptoms hung around for about
4 weeks quite a while and at first my anx went up but I relaxed once I realised what it was, just letting you know so if you feel the same don't worry too much,

great going!!


03-03-10, 22:41
Niquitin do a fab support line for help with stopping smoking, just google niquitin and it will take you to the site.

Well done you:yesyes:

di xx

margaret jones
03-03-10, 22:42
Well done Wendywoo you are doing really well i gave up 22 mnths ago after being a smoker for a very long time and it was worth it Also think of all the money you will save treat yourself to something nice Massage or hairdo anything that makes you feel good

Good luck Maggie

04-03-10, 16:10
well done

im going into week 8 now and to be honest i have found my anxiety has gone up but that could be to do with other problems i have at this time. I wont go back to the fags though they dont get rid of your problems. Keep going you can do it

05-03-10, 10:20
Hi guys
A big thank you for all ur kind words.
well its day 9 and am feeling good and so positive feels like got something to aim for now.
Just got over the flu bug and now have the sickness bug arhhhh but hey am still here and am sure a lot more bugs to come lol

who ever has stopped please keep it up

thank you once again
love ya all

05-03-10, 22:22
wow well done! I'm so bad for smoking and smoke too much when I'm anxious!
have only ever managed to go two days without smoking and I was so moody!

17-03-10, 08:32
Hiya Everyone

well its 3 wks today that i stopped and there has been times that i have wanted a cig arggghhhh

I must say its getting hard to deal with stopping and anixiety at the same time,the last few days my anixiety has got worse,feel like my bodys running at 100mph at times...I have been on seratline since 1st jan 50mg at the mo they dont seem to help also started taking b6 ....help !!!!!