View Full Version : Dieting

03-03-10, 13:56
I don't know whether this is relevant to this part of the forum but i didn't know where to put it. I'm really anxious about my weight and i wanted to know if anyone here had tried any diet programmes? I've cut out bread and sweets/chocolate and started exercising but i still cant shift the weight. I want to lose 1 stone but its hard because its becoming an obsessive thing very quickly. therefore i wanted to get some positive advice from people on how to do it healthily before it causes i problem...if that makes sense?

03-03-10, 14:26
Hi I know I'm new here but I really know what you mean.

I have lost 10 stone 4.5 lbs in a year doing Slimming World and I am now maintaining my weight. I am really starting to obsess over it now though and I am terrified of putting weight back on.

I will be watching with interest to see if you get any advice as I need help to break out of this obsessive cycle too.

Sorry I can't offer you any help =(

03-03-10, 14:33
Hi Flix and Trixie,

Some of us on here are in our own NMP slimming group - basically we swap ideas for what to eat, gee each other along and support each other.
Click on the search link and type in NMP slimming, the thread should come up!



03-03-10, 14:41
Thanks Zo Jo =) I'll do a search now

03-03-10, 14:50
thanks guys. i just don't want it to become any more obsessive than it already is and end up ill. i just want to feel better about myself because it really brings me down.

03-03-10, 15:53
Trixie1981 - over 10 stone - what an achievement! You must be so proud of yourself losing all that weight. I bet you look like a different person! Because of how you feel now I would doubt if you'll put it back on again. Well done!

03-03-10, 16:59

I went from 12 stone to 8 stone 5, but it was really irrational, I basically stopped eating. Now Ive gone up again to around 10 4, but Ive given in and just learning to accept the way I am, it was a constant battle. A stone is hard to lose, I would like to lose a stone, have been trying for a while now, but now have just accepted it, fed up with starving myself and not eating what I would like to. Watching my weight for basically 15 years, im just fed up with it, I think we woman are way too hard on ourselves.

03-03-10, 21:41
Hi. I really sympathise with you. I have tried every diet under the sun and owned my own slimming world franchise for a while! It all comes down to the same thing. If the calories consumed, do not get get burned off, we put on weight! Calories going in need to be less than those spent to lose weight. Faddy diets do not work for most people. The diet industry would go bankrupt if they did! A good balanced nutritious filling diet and regular exercise (30 mins to start 5 times a week) are key. Trouble for me is I am all or nothing gal. I haven't yet perfected the everything in moderation whether its 1 piece of brocolli Im eating (I would eat half a whole one) or if I'm eating a full fat yoghurt (I would have to eat 2). Really, its a lifestyle changed full stop. I so admire people who can control themselves. When I am good I'm good, when I'm bad I'm awful!

03-03-10, 21:56
i can feel for all you guys im currently 18 and a half stone coming from being 20 and a hlaf 8 weeks ago!! i suffer pcos which causes carbohydrates to attomatical store as fat!! which is just crap because i enjoy my carbs!!! i feel i am final trying to get my weight in order with no really incentive!!! this weight lose has been a massive health from a diabetic treatment although im not diabetic!!! i feel this is helping hugely but feel so crap even having a biscuit even though im craving it!!! arrrggghhh it sucks weight and i dont want it lol!!