View Full Version : Saw Cardiologist today...

03-03-10, 14:13
He was a nice chap. Said my holter results were normal as normal can be..only 58 ectopic/extra beats over teh 24 hrs!

we talked at length but ive forgotten most of the consult now as im absolutely shattered.

the most significant finding was that I have an exaggerated sinus arrhythmia which is normal, no treatment needed but it may be causing the jolts/transient moments of lightheadedness/dizzy spells.

none of what I told him seemed to worry him too much. He does think i may be asthmatic though and he has written to my GP to state that lung function tests and the like need to be carried out.

03-03-10, 14:17
Is that because you are wheezy - just wondering as I started to wheeze when I took a beta blocker. Yet years ago had one for high BP (sorted with renal angioplasty) and had no problem.

Glad you felt reassured by the cardio - shame there is nothing to help you med wise though

03-03-10, 15:11
wheezy/chest tightness/short of breath etc, yes. he said i should be given an inhaler trial or something along those lines.

03-03-10, 17:51
Well first things mate so pleased you are ok and the results are ok. How do you feel now or is it too early to tell? When my doc told me
my results where ok I felt so relived and like my old self again but it took a while to sink in!

03-03-10, 19:55
well its a big relief to know my heart is fine but still dont feel right.

03-03-10, 21:40
Yeah I hear you mate, the relief is there but if your not right in yourself then you naturally have other things on your mind. Hope that the wheezing chest is cleared up with an inhalor, my friend gets a wheezy chest and has one though his doc says he does not have astma,

04-03-10, 02:17
It is strange how some people without asthma do wheeze. never Relaxed, I hope its not asthma....I know I ma not asthmatic and yet do get a bit wheezy in the mornings. Good luck anyway

04-03-10, 14:59
RLR says they are caused by acid reflux, or rather can be. Have you seen the sticky at the top. Do read it, as if you have acid reflux or heartburn - that article may be for you.

Began my vinegar treatment yesterday. Time will tell as I am having not a bad day and that happens too...so time...time is what I need

04-03-10, 19:19
The cardio said that athma can be exacerbated by reflux but he said he wasn't really the right person to ask about such things. He said also, that people who are anxious are more likely to experience such things (duhh! :p) i said i understood. I asked if it was possible that I was actually inspiring stomach acid and he didnt think so...I just wanna get these lung function tests out of the way..And I htink hes written to my GP suggesting I have a trial period on an inhaler.

05-03-10, 11:41
Lets hope the breathing tests are okay then. Let us know the results