View Full Version : Hard to catch breath.

03-03-10, 14:44
For the past week or so i have been struggling to catch my breath.When sleeping im fine but it's been on and off for just over a week now.
Anyone help.
I have been sufferer of anxiety(heart related) in the past but never experienced anything like this.

03-03-10, 14:47
Are you saying you are hyperventilating? If you are fine while asleep (when your body is not interrupted by anxiety) then it does sound like anxiety/panic. Try slowly doing the breathing exercises.

03-03-10, 14:53
Are you saying you are hyperventilating? If you are fine while asleep (when your body is not interrupted by anxiety) then it does sound like anxiety/panic. Try slowly doing the breathing exercises.

I basically have to take deep breaths every so often as it feels like im struggling to breathe.It only came on last week and i have suffered from anxiety attacks for 2 years now but i have never had this feeling.

03-03-10, 15:59
It's caused by your chest muscles being tense. It's absolutely nothing to do with your lungs and you will ALWAYS get enough breath, so please don't panic or worry. If you make a determined effort to do tummy breaths, breathing in, expanding your tummy and then breathing out through your mouth, slowly, then this will relax your chest muscles. This anxiety symptom will disappear when you are more relaxed.

03-03-10, 16:41
Are you holding in your stomach?

Breathe through the mouth only, even when yawning. The breathing will self-regulate.

03-03-10, 17:09
Are you holding in your stomach?

Breathe through the mouth only, even when yawning. The breathing will self-regulate.

I will do.
Do you advise to hold in stomach when breathing.
Thanks all

03-03-10, 23:42
omg i have this came on last week and my god scarey as hell my doc listened to my chest said im hyperventalating im the same fine wen im asleep too but constantly ave to keep takin deep breaths an feels like i cannot breathe i hate it and i too have had health anxiety and panic for 2yrs too but this has only jus came about since ive been noticng my heart beating ,we need to chat nxt time ur on pm me thanks alot chanty xxxx hugs