View Full Version : Urgent help needed please...

03-03-10, 15:20
I have been suffering with what the doctor thinks is acid reflux for the last month and have been prescribed omeprazole and rantitidine for it. It hasn't really made any improvement and possibly has got worse.

I am freaking out at the minute as I have just passed a pale stool and I am worried that my liver/pancreas is failing or I have cancer of either of them. I know that these tablets can cause problems with these organs.

I am waiting on a call from my doctor, but I am just so scared. My stomach has really been hurting today too.


03-03-10, 15:34
Don't panic ! (helpful comment ey :blush::roflmao:) It could be that you have had something that has changed the colour of your stools, chicken for example can make them pale. When your doctor calls you must be honest and explain every symptom that is worrying you.

03-03-10, 15:50
do yu know my tum was very bad all the time but i started eating a pot of activa every morning and its better than any meds

03-03-10, 19:50
The doctor was all but useless when she rang, just said that the tablets don't affect your liver (which is untrue as the leaflet says it does) and that I should just keep taking them and go back to the doctors in a few days.

I moved from my regular doctor recently as I moved towns and I miss my old doctor. She was so much more interested in me as a person, unlike this new useless GP.

My stomach still hurts and I've just eaten and have gotten no relief...totally fed up and teary.

03-03-10, 20:00
hi i was also diagnosed with acid reflux a couple of months ago and given taps i to get stools like this sometimes give it a couple of more days and see how you go i stared on 20 mg and moved up to 40 mg