View Full Version : Wind pains on right side?

03-03-10, 17:31
Do any of you suffer with acid/wind pains and get them on the right side but don't have gallstones?

The reason I am asking is I am just recovering from helicobacter, finished treatment 3 weeks ago. I am now on a maintenance dose of lansoprazole 15mg for a couple of months before weaning me off it. Today I had an episode for an hour of so of stomach pains, it was high up just under my chest, in the centre. Felt sore to touch and acidy, it went abit into my lower right side of my back, and in throat.

I was refered for a gallstone scan a month ago because I had abit of wind on my right side. I am 30, slim, brunette... GP said I don't match any of the usual risk factors for gallstones but he wants to rule it out.

I had been feeling so much better since treatment, where as before I was riddled every single second of the day with wind pains, it was so bad I was signed off work. Today is the first time really that I have had abit of acid pain again.

Can anyone relate to wind like this?

03-03-10, 19:35
at one point a few years ago I was also having horrible pain on the right side. I got an ultrasound for gallstones, and there was nothing there. The doctor thought maybe I had a small stomach ulcer. She gave me some type of antacid (I think protonix) and it did go on its own...

03-03-10, 19:36
sent it before I was done... I wanted to add to try to stick to a blandish diet for a few days, and see if it helps... Feel better. I know how scary it is to have things feel wrong.

03-03-10, 19:39
Thanks, they think I had small ulcers from the helicobacter so it could be them playing me up.

I have this awful feeling in my throat tonight, feels like wind sitting there in my throat. I can breath fine and swallow ok so nothing is stuck but it feels like there is a ball of wind sitting in my wind pipe, very odd, I am sure ive had this before. Has anyone else had this?

03-03-10, 19:42

Yes i used to suffer really badly. The chest pains i got were chronic and i do still get them. When i first had bother, they put me on 150mg of Ranitidine twice daily which worked wonders. I am on Ranitidine again for my a skin condition i suffer from now and again (they also work for..i think it's A histimine)...Any you will probably get little bouts of these pains from time to time. I'm sure your gp will give you medication to take if you explain that you are having some bother.

Take care

margaret jones
03-03-10, 19:45
Hi re gallstones i had my gallbladder removed at 22 i was not the usual classic person to present with gallstones , but sure enough two whoppers where in my gallbladder , it was a horrid pain that was brought on if i remember from eating fatty foods upper tummy and right shoulder pain nausea and sickness was also another sympton
Any help ???? Maggie

03-03-10, 19:47
I had my Gallbladder removed last May but still get the pain in the centre and right upper abdomen. I've had Xrays and CT scan but shows nothing. One thing to think about is the acid. If (like me) you suffer this, then you will find that too much acid will produce inflammation and therefore cause pain similar to Gallbladder problems, as well as excess wind etc. My Gallbladder was inflammed when they removed it but they didn't remove the very small amount of stones that were there. They now believe that there was possibly no reason to remove it afterall! Great. In other words, the pain was inflammation rather than Gallstones.

03-03-10, 20:11
Thank you all.

If I have gallstones then I shall go for the op if they recommend it, I just hope it's not as I have been ill with alot recently and could do with a break;-) plus I have had alot of time from university due to the helicobacter and female problems I have had.

Do any of you get the wind traveling up to your throat?

I feel like tonight it is mainly sat on my left side, which I guess is a good thing if it has moved sides;-)


03-03-10, 21:06
I take these pains on the right side, but I find it usually happens if I've eaten the wrong things. Acid reflux can travel up to the throat so this is probably what you are feeling. Even when you take lansoprazole I still think you need to watch your diet at times. I've also got gallstones but was told that they were small and didn't need surgery.

03-03-10, 21:12
Thanks Myra,

I imagine Iw ill have some gallstones, be suprised if I don't, my GP seems to think I have them, grrr.

I had chili and tomoto salad dressing last night on my salad and chicken, maybe that is the cause, although I felt fine last night. It was today when I woke up that I felt abit off, it got worse throughout the day. I do need to try and keep off the spicy/acidic type food, I was doing well but caved yesterday;-)

Thanks x

03-03-10, 23:07
i get the wind/burp thing in throat often.

i get alot of wind is this caused by the acid? i feel realy sickly in the mornins too.

03-03-10, 23:21
hey tonight i am expericing like windy stitch type pains in between my navel and lower tummy area on my right hand side after eating kfc and drinkin pepsi i too have alot of relfux in throat an shoulder blades etc very nasty but this pain is worse really annpyin so i guess it can upset things an cause pain too just got to watch what triggers it and take the m,eds. hope ur feeling ok .xxx

04-03-10, 09:02
It may be an idea to go on a low fat diet to see if this helps. A dodgy gallbladder does not like fat or any spicy stuff. Also, carbonated drinks are a no no as far as wind and acid are concerned. If you do need to have the gallbladder removed, it will prob be keyhole which is a piece of cake. I never felt a thing. The main problem is the inconveniance of time off work.

04-03-10, 15:54
Thanks, pains got worse over night so saw GP today. All the pains were low on left side of abdomen and in back passage. I couldn't even sit this morning, the pressure down there felt horrible. All my left side felt heavy and I had wind pains inbetween my shoulders. GP said it was very bad IBS and has given me new meds to try.

He said we won't know for another 2 months if ive gallstones, arghhh!

Does it always require surgery?

Can anyone else relate to my IBS symptoms? it feels like I am carrying a large brick around low down in my abdomen on the left and in my bottom, I am needing the toilet more often too. I feel so windy:-(

04-03-10, 19:28
I have suspected IBS which apparently is only diagnosed after all other tests and investigations prove negative. From what I'm led to believe, IBS pain and symptoms can occur anywhere in the stomach and not just where a lot of IBS websites say. In other words, the discomfort is not restricted to only certain abdominal areas. I have been told that IBS is responsible for my discomfort below my right lower rib and also for the pain I experience after a bowel movement.

I can't understand why you have to wait 2 months before knowing if you have gallstones or not. Not all stones show up on a ultrasound scan, particularly if they a very small. They only noticed mine because the guy told me to roll over from my side onto my back whilst he held the scanner there, then he saw them move. Small stones can present just as many problems because they can migrate.

04-03-10, 20:41
The waiting time for a scan here on the NHS is 10-12 weeks, so I guess that is what I have to wait. Aparently on the list of priorities gallstone scans are pretty low on the scale.

Tonight I have wind pains up in my back, feels like a football is lodged between my shoulder blades and occasionaly moves around to my chest and sides:-( This all came on after I ate a chicken and cheese bap, bap was white and not what id usually eat. Within half an hour I was hiccuping and I had wind in my back. Surely this can't be IBS:-( the pains lower down have eased now.