View Full Version : Citalopram initial surge of feeling good

03-03-10, 18:33
Moving from 20mg to 30mg, for the first 3-4 days I was relaxed, calm and felt pretty good. Then over the past week the feeling has reduced. Although not feeling overly stressed the old feeling of tension/stress is back. Anyone else get this with Cit? Did the nice relaxed feeling come back again?

I've got my first session with the local nhs mental health unit to discuss CBT, was hoping to be more relaxed for it.

03-03-10, 18:40
It is perfectly normal for this to happen with an increased dose ;It will settle down and you will feel ok again .It takes 4-6 weeks for each dose to stabilise in the system to be effective .You will probably feel better before that so just relax and try not to pay too much attention to the symptoms ...............All the best with you cbt when you start it .Sue

03-03-10, 19:37
Yes, it does take a few weeks for the increase to settle and take effect. It's sometimes a few steps forward and a few steps back with these meds and you have to stick with it for it to do you any good. If you read other people's experiences you'll see that patience does usually pay off in the end - although I know how frustrating it is... It took 3-4 weeks before I felt any benefits from my increased dose.

03-03-10, 21:23
Thanks for the replies. Makes me feel a bit better about sudden high followed by drop, knowing your not the only one really helps. Ta.

03-03-10, 23:39
Hi KP, as the other members say it is completely normal to have ups and downs following changes to your dose. You've got to remember the brain is a delicate system and any changes to that system will have repercussions. Your body will get back to its normal self and you will probably notice the comfortable, relaxing feeling returns within a few days to a couple of weeks. Mood swings happen even to people who aren't experiencing anxiety or depression, so even if it wasn't due to the meds, it would still be a normal part of being human.