View Full Version : Just Can't Cope With The Pain

03-03-10, 19:03
i've had so many problems with my teeth lately, i had an abcess on my top first big molar on the right hand side, had it treated at the dentist, they drained it and said it had to be removed, so i had the tooth out 10 days ago, and since then i been in so much pain, went back to the dentist and they said i had dry socket so put me on antibiotics for 5 days, took those and felt abit better but now the pain is coming back, it radiates from my jaw to my cheek, and is making my teeth hurt so much, i just can't get rid of the pain. i went back to my dentist again, and this time they daid the hole is healing very well, and thet cos i had a big abcess the hole needs to repair and can take months to heal properly, so i will feel pinching and pulling.
but im still in this awful pain, i do have TMJ and i can't determin if the pain is this or the tooth or what, i just cant stop crying with the pain, i go away tomorrow with my boyfriend for the week end and i really wanted to enjoy it but now i have the threat of this pain ruining it all. this is out first time away together aswell.
the dentist gave me antibiotic cover for the time im away, and i do have strong painkillers to take with me also, but i won't be able to drink on them. silly i know but i've not had a drink for over 5 weeks and could really do with one now, if i take the meds i cant.
im getting so down over this, i thought having the tooth out would make the pain go away, but instead its much much worse.
i just dont know what to do, if i go to my doctors they just say its my anxiety making it worse, i asked to be reffered back to the max facial clinc and they said no, i asked to be reffered for a scan cos of my headaches , they said no. im at my wits end. i jst dont know how to control my pain.

andrea thompson
03-03-10, 20:01
hiya hon...

i always thought you couldnt drink on antibiotics but have been told that is not actually true... ring nhs direct and check or speak to a pharmacist. if you are anxious i wouldnt drink any way cos i have always find it makes everything worse.

i have really bad dental pain in the past and i take paracetemol and ibuprofen intermitently (check with nhs direct or pharmacist) and i put clove oil on my gums to numb the pain.

please try to enjoy your break away and take care.

andrea x x

03-03-10, 22:38
I had dry socket last year after getting tooth out and thought I would go crazy with the pain. You can go back to dentist and they will pack it with stuff that takes pain away. Just you might have to go in every second day. Or else get some clove oil, or over here there is a product called soothache (milder version of clove oil) dab some on a cotton but and put it on extraction site. Might sting for a bit but will take pain away. I would try getting dentist to pack it with the stuff they have first though, it really takes pain away. Headache is part of it. Mine lasted for two weeks so you are nearly there but the pain can be extremely bad.
Hope it eases soon.

03-03-10, 23:08
hiya, your doctor doesnt sound very sympathetic is there another docotor in your practice who would be more likely to give you the referral?
Phone NHS direct and ask what painkillers would work best for you. I have also used paracetamol/ibuprofen method and NHS direct can tell you how to safely use this method if you want to try it but they will also be able to tell you if this method would be best or if you should stick to the painkillers you have or even if you should try something else.
I would say that what you need right now is to take your antibiotics and painkillers so do not drink as that will make the antibiotics less effective and will not be safe with painkillers. Its annoying I know when you want to have a drink but if you have an infection you need the antibiotics to get to work.
I do hope the pain gets under control soon and you can enjoy your break
Take Care

04-03-10, 16:12

Sorry to hear about your pain, I had a tooth out about a month ago, and its only just sort off stopped, he said it was a hard tooth to get out.

Painkiller wise, I was advised by emergency dental number, 2 cocodemol and 2 Ibuprofen at the same time, so 4 tablets in one dose, you are allowed upto 8 cocodemol and 6 Ibuprofen a day. They really did help paracetemol was not touching it.

Check first though with docs