View Full Version : I would really like some advice about dealing with a panic disorder the drug-free way

03-03-10, 19:19
Hello all.

I'm new and a bit sceptical because I haven't used a forum before and am still a bit embarrassed about the whole panic thing.

I am 20 and have been suffering with anxiety and severe panic attacks since I was 16. After trying what seemed like a million different techniques (breathing techniques, herbal medicines, regular exercise and CBT) I was put on antidepressants around the time of my 18th birthday.

Anti depressants changed my life. I could sit through a class at college without having to run out and hide in the bathroom. I stopped becoming scared of busy areas and large crowds. My self confidence soared and I became really happy. The pills also concured other problems I was having. I had developed bulemia and OCD to cope with my anxiety- but the anti depressants seemed to melt all those issues and tension away and magically I felt normal!

I am now trying to face up to my problems because I don't want to be on anti depressants all my life. I have been weening myself off them for 3 and a half months now (I have gone from taking one pill a day to one a week) and I'm really really struggling. The panic attacks have returned; I am anxious all the time and I haven't been sleeping. Also my bulemia and OCD has returned. Taking all this on at once has really got to me and my doctor has signed me off work for 2 weeks. But I want to go back. Back to work and back to a sense of normality.

Part of me wants to admit defeat and go back on the drugs- because everything was so simple when I could lead a normal life. But I also realise that I've put a lot of work in spo far trying to come off them, and it would be a shame to give in now.

If there is anything that you think may help me cope with my issues without drugs I'd really appreciate that information.



03-03-10, 19:24
Hi Yvonne89

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

ally b
03-03-10, 21:30
hi and:welcome:. I was drug free for probly 10 yrs,i thought i was coping.Not advise as such,butt we all need a help in hand sometimes,it was right for me(20mg citalopram). You are strong minded,and good for you:yesyes: .Im sure you will get some great advise on here. I wish i could help more,butt at least your at the right place.