View Full Version : Anxiety and work

03-03-10, 20:51
Hey have been struggling with anxiety now for about the last 3 years, i have not had anytime off work because of it, but lately i am really starting to struggle with work, cant seem to be able to handle pressure, feel like i cant do my job properly and just really struggling to motivate myself.

My job is quite stressfull anyway as i work in sales, i am considering taking time off sick to see if a break helps my anxiety but on the other hand i feel guilty and worried what people think if i do this.

03-03-10, 20:57
Hello Jay28,

I can sympathise with you. I recently suffered from anxiety symptoms and found that I could not get out of the spiral. My gp recommended that I take a few weeks off work as she said it sounded like I needed a rest. I was a bit horrified at the thought of it but can now honestly say that it was the best thing I could have done for myself. I was off for almost 6 weeks - the longest I've ever been off work. It proved to me that I was a bit exhausted and needed to look after myself for a while. Without a doubt it worked. I'm back at work, the symptoms have practically vanished, and I feel much happier. Sometimes you just have to put yourself first. Don't feel guilty if you take time off - your health comes first.

ally b
03-03-10, 21:03
Hi jay,i agree wiv myra,some sound advise!I wish i did something about it b4 it was to late.The quiker you get help,the sooner you will recover:hugs:

03-03-10, 21:53
Hi Jay, I found I left it too late and ended up having to take time off work....I have been off since end October. i am due to go back 22nd, the time has allowed me to change medication and start back on the road to recovery. This is the longest I have ever had to take out of work and I just couldn't of gone in feeling this way. It is better to act on the problem rather than leave it like I did and end up having alot longer off. The rest will help you. Take care. JO.

04-03-10, 07:22
Thanks for your comments, i have an appointment with my dr on Wednesday so will speak to him about it then, but i do think i need a break with work and everything else going on i could easily just pack my job in which i cant afford to do.

04-03-10, 08:09
Jay I also felt like you in that I wanted to pack my job in. Now I know it was only how I was feeling as I actually like my job. Anxiety can makes us blame other things for how we feel. Tell your doctor exactly how you are feeling and I'm sure they will recommend some time off and it will help you so much. Let us know how you get on.

04-03-10, 17:15
I agree. Sometimes it's difficult to know whether it's the job or your anxiety levels that are making you feel the way you do. Taking time off to recharge and recover is the best thing. There is no shame in doing so. If, however, you feel much better after you have taken a break yet don't want to go back to your job then it is time you looked at perhaps changing it.

Many people find that they jack their jobs in because of anxiety/depression then can't find anything better and end up in a downward spiral of stagnation, which often results in a relapse.

So I would think carefully about it because the last thing you want is to make a bad situation worse.

04-03-10, 17:41
Thanks guys just really finding things hard at the moment, feeling down and getting palpitations all the time, also worried about a colonoscopy i am having done at the end of this month and then work on top of this, i wont just pack my job in, think i just need a break to sort myself out.

06-03-10, 09:12
I think anxiety is an invitation to look at the things we are frightened of and the things that are out of our control. It can be an inviation to live more freely, once we recognize what our limits really are. I hope that you are able to understand and handle your anxiety.

08-03-10, 18:10

have been exactly where you are many times,and you def have to listen to your gut instinct,its telling you,things are not right at the mo and you need a bit of you time..

think of it as recharging your batteries, i did this and it can some times help you put things into perspective,as all the time you are consumed by work you cant sort other things...good advise not to give up job but take all the time you need and dont feel guilty,people need time off for many reasons...and believe me yours is as good as any.....

the palputations are a sign you need to just step back,i had these for a long time,dont keep pushing your self because you think you should.

the worry of the hosp is probably on your mind so deal with one thing at a time..please feel free to pm me at any time

keep talking it really helps

love skyxx:flowers: