View Full Version : Not related to my usual anxiety symptoms!

04-03-10, 00:02
I've still got my usual symptoms and fear about brain problems but I've just recently been experiencing some symptoms elsewhere in my body that do not relate to my usual anxiety at all and I was just wondering if anyone could offer any advice. I am going to ring my GP tomorrow as I really don't think it's anxiety related because I've been suffering anxiety for so long now and I just know these symptoms are something I'm not in control of.

I recently had a baby who is now just over 7 months old and I stopped breastfeeding when he was about 6 months. However I was combo feeding from about 3 months so he had half bottles and half breast. I read on the internet that if you're not exclusively breastfeeding then your periods should return fairly quickly however I am still waiting for mine!!! I went to see my GP about it a few weeks ago but he wasn't concerned and tested my iron levels and thyroid etc and all came back normal. For about a month or two now I have been experiencing period type pains on and off but no period!!!!! This includes abdominal cramps and lower back pains and just this past week I have had the worst case of the farts ever, they have been out of this world :blush: and I woke up in the middle of the night last night with quite a severe pain (I tend to call it a poo pain) and I tried but I was a little constipated. But since this morning I have been to the toilet quite a few times and to be honest I could go again now!!!!!! It's not diorrea, they feel normal (I'm sorry for talking about this) but they have just been very frequent and sitting here now I can feel my stomach gurgling and popping away. I have also felt very sick today and it hasn't been a nervous sickness it's been like a genuine tummy sickness feeling. I don't want to google in fear of the big 'C' but I just thought I'd share this on here to see if anyone has experienced this??? Although the frequent toilet trips and pops and gurgles are only recent, the period pains and farting has been for about two months.

Thanks xxx

04-03-10, 00:16
Hi there, I don't know if this helps but I wouldn't worry about not having your period yet. I had a baby in January and didn't breastfeed at all, I couldn't. I didn't get my first period till April. I have had the same pains and it sounds like IBS, and aniexty can be pretty sneaky I have found. I know how u feel! Hang in there!

04-03-10, 00:26
Thanks Tinker!!! :)