View Full Version : Awful night and hard to cope! Really scared!

04-03-10, 08:01
HI everyone!

Didnt know were to write this, symptoms page or here or in HA section.

I have had really bad anxiety for days now, panic attacks and fear.
I had a really awful time this night and right now i am so tired and feel like i am dying.

Dont want to go to any doctor, if they see me again they will think i am crazy, i always keep nagging about MS and ALS when i get there.
All doctors tells me that it isnt, not after 3-4 years of problems.

Well, this is what happened last night and some nights before that.
I would be grateful if someone recognize the feelings or symptoms, and if you could give me some words of wisdom.:blush:

Last night i got like a strange feeling in my chest, like it was full, it was tickling in my throat and it felt like my heart was doing jumps.

My head felt all tensed, my eyes and vision went all crazy, couldnt focus on anything.
My shoulders became tensed and i got pain and felt weak in my arms.

My back and spine felt like it was on fire.

(All this made me think i had neuro illness)

My mind started to race and i was to scared to take a diazepam.

The night went on and i felt so sick. I felt like i was dying and i dont feel well now either and i am scared.

I am pessimistic right now, i cant see how i can get better.

I still feel weak in my arms, my head feels like it is full of cotton and i dont feel connected to the world.

Everytime i was about to fall asleep last night i woke up in a jolt, cathing my breath.

Also one thing that scares me, when i am in bed about to sleep and can get spasm in my legs, like jerks.

Sorry for this rambling, i just feel so alone with this and that i am the only one having it like this. There is no light for me right now.

/ Daniel

04-03-10, 08:26
You are not alone, that sounds like you have been having some really intense panic attacks. All the symptoms fit in perfectly so please try and believe that it is a panic attack.
You didn't mention that you are on any meds, is this something that you would want to do? As if you are not on any I believe them to be beneficial at suppressing the panic so you can concerntrate on getting better.

04-03-10, 08:35
yes classic not very nice but you had them all at once whitch made it so bad .as for leg jerks i get them every night before sleep its te mucles relaxing after being tense hope you feel better soon

04-03-10, 08:53

Sorry you are feeling like this - it's exactly how I felt when I got ill - i remember falling asleep and then waking with a jolt - its really horrible, but I promise you it will go. It sounds like you have very bad anxiety and panic attacks.

Louise xx

04-03-10, 10:20
You are not alone, that sounds like you have been having some really intense panic attacks. All the symptoms fit in perfectly so please try and believe that it is a panic attack.
You didn't mention that you are on any meds, is this something that you would want to do? As if you are not on any I believe them to be beneficial at suppressing the panic so you can concerntrate on getting better.

Thanks Lauz!

I dont take any medication, i have diazepam to take when i need but now its so awful that i am scared to take them. I have some kind of medication phobia as well.:weep:

04-03-10, 10:21
yes classic not very nice but you had them all at once whitch made it so bad .as for leg jerks i get them every night before sleep its te mucles relaxing after being tense hope you feel better soon

Those jerks makes me so scared, i always believe that its MS or ALS showing itselfs like that.

Thank you for your kind words.

04-03-10, 10:22

Sorry you are feeling like this - it's exactly how I felt when I got ill - i remember falling asleep and then waking with a jolt - its really horrible, but I promise you it will go. It sounds like you have very bad anxiety and panic attacks.

Louise xx

Yes Louise, my anxiety is really sky high, i have a hard time coping right now.
My irrational thoughts are so strong and i cant think straight.

04-03-10, 10:24
I still have weird vision, like i see some black stripes in my vision at times.

My wrists feels weak and i tremble a bit in my hands.
I cant think about anything else than it is something serious.

Sorry for being so negative, everything just feels bad right now. Like i am nothing worth.

04-03-10, 11:05
:bighug1:could you maybe do something to keep your mind ocupied like clean your car .or any job you dont enjoy i find it.helps as your not thinking about how you feel it works i do it all the time ,, your brain loves it when you sit andworry .it feeds off your fear ,making it worse

04-03-10, 11:19
I get that tight feeling in my chest that rises up to throat as im just dozing off to sleep and it wakes me with a jolt. horrible feeling. I have also had the jolts in my legs and arms when falling asleep. Hope that makes you feel better. Went to doctors about chest rising feeling to the throat dr said it was anxiety.


04-03-10, 11:31
Hi, Definately all symtoms of anxiety and panic. The diazepam will calm you down but long term you might benefit from trying anti-depressants and then have some talking therapy along with them. I agree distraction is best but sometimes this is easier said than done. Someone mentioned washing the car, I have forced myself to do this in the past and it has helped to take my mind off how I am feeling. Night time always seems to be the worst though doesn't it!! Hope this helps. Let us know how you go. Take care. Jo

04-03-10, 12:19
Thanks everyone!

Its a great site, and you are all great helping me out here. Its very difficult now, i am at work trying to distract myself.

I was out eating lunch with a friend and when i was walking a felt all weak in my legs and like i had no balance at all. That scared me alot!

My back feels really tired, like the muscles are really tired after being so tensed. Its in my lower back, i have had some problems there before.

One of the worst thing is that when it is this bad i cant see how things can get better. It feels like i will be stuck like this forever!

Sorry for keep being negative.

04-03-10, 12:51
ok, time for another question.
I know that i can read about this in the symptoms but i wonder if someone else really feels this.

Aching underarms, stiff movement and the feeling the your eyes are "swollen":scared15:

Too much to sort out for me right now.

Thanks again everyone, you are the best!

04-03-10, 18:54
My back is hurting really much, it feels like the muscles in my low back are tired:unsure:

I start to feel the worrying about going to bed for sleeping. Last night scared me so much, and the day has been so hard.

04-03-10, 19:18
OMG this is great,,, sorry that does not sound right, but just knowing these things happen to other people i am crying with relief just reading this ,,,, thank you soooo much