View Full Version : Every day I wake up and don't want to be here :(

04-03-10, 08:17
When I wake up everyday, there's a second when I've forgotten about everything. However, it only takes a second for my anxiety to hit me like a tonne of bricks, and my heart starts racing in a panic. I am at the end of my wits. Sometimes, and I know it's wrong, I feel like it would just be easier not to be here anymore. My heart canot take all this strain any more, and I can't tell my partner or family because they would be worried sick :(

Does anyone else feel this way?


04-03-10, 08:37
no but i understand you thinking like this ,,but you must think positive ,makea list on one side write all the bad things in your life and in the other all the good ,then see how much we have to be thankful for

04-03-10, 09:07
Post removed by author

04-03-10, 09:07
I get feelings like this as well - you are not alone :)

04-03-10, 10:18
You are certainly not alone about this, i am the same!

04-03-10, 14:28
These feelings of dread when you wake up...wow they are so strong. Ive suffered on and off for years. The last time I couldn't shift them for ages so I tried medication again. It gave me the shove I needed to move forward and make some positive changes like keeping myself busy, exercising, eating healthy etc. I couldn't have done it without that initial shove! I think you need to discuss this with your gp and you really can't fight it without the help of your partner. Took me years to realize this! You can get better and don't have to suffer anymore. Take that step and make an appointment. Tell your gp everything you are feeling won't you. Good luck matey.xx

04-03-10, 17:58
i know what you mean about thelling all the family but do you think it would help a little if your other half knew about it? mine does and he can be a great help at times although he does not understand he does try to be there for me and will never say make me go into a supermarket if im feeling too panicky xx

04-03-10, 19:26
Hi Rosalind

Poor you, I too have suffered this and those feelings came back recently... Are you worrying about anything in particular or are these feelings in the morning hitting and you really have no reason behind them?

Don't know if this will help but it did help me the first time round... don't lay there in the morning... try to wake up to music... mind focusing on that.. get up and do a task that differs from your normal routine..again stops the mind set kicking in... keep yourself busy...but don't over do it or you will wear yourself down. Breathe in deeply for count of 3 and out for count of 5.... and actually tell the feelings NO...

Do you know it really worked last time this time I guess I've been feeling so worn out that I forgot to do them ...but I have used the methods again today and whilst it doesn't eliminate those feeling altogether it really did help me...

Try not to let those negatives take hold ...I know it is easier said than done...but truly change that morning routine and keep telling those negatives no... wake up and give partner a big kiss and cuddle and start that day positively... see your doctor don't suffer in silence... our heads can only take so much on without needing a rest x

jude uk
04-03-10, 19:55
So many feel the same way. So many have lived with panic anxiety agoraphobia ocd etc for years and it does chip away at you until you feel there is nothing left. You wonder what is the point of getting out of bed.

I remember the mornings of waking up and just for a moment I wondered if all my anxiety had gone but it had not and I knew I had another day of crap to go through.

The problem I feel is we tune into how we feel too much and our focus is on how we feel. If we can step out the box for a moment and think...."what advice would we give someone else who was in our situation?"

Sometimes we cant see the answer but stepping away from the problem does help.
There are also lots of self help groups out there that will support you and they do know how you feel, so please give them a try. Your GP will inform you about them.