View Full Version : off citalopram onto seroquel [quetiapine]

04-03-10, 10:19
Hi Everyone
I had been on 60mg of citalopram for a number of years. i moved to another area of the country, my meds were reduced, stopped, re started, [they didnt agree with all my medication] i also take mirtazapine 45mg and propranalol 20mg daily.
I finally found a gp who refered me back to psychiatrist, she diagnosed bipolar disorder, i had to reduce and stop the citalopram over a few weeks, and started the new seroquel 100mg at 5pm each day.
Ive been on new meds about 10 days now, and finished citalopram about 2 days ago, I FEEL SO ILL! i have terrible nausea, my mood is very very low, can anyone tell me, is it the citalpram withdrawl causing this, or the new medication.
On top- of this i feel really scared!!!
velveteen xxx:shrug:

04-03-10, 19:49
Hi velveteen,

I can not comment about citalopram, however I also have bipolar and take mirtazapine and quetiapine plus other medication.

I was diagnosed with bipolar many years ago and although it was a shock at the time (it made sense later), I was pleased there was a name for what I was suffering with and there was treatments available to help me. Previously I had several unpleasant experiences with SSRIs!

I had tried a couple of anti psychotics before being put on quetiapine, I did feel a little nausea and headachey for a few days, but it did settle down and I am now taking quite a high dose. It is working really well for me, the only negative I have found is that it can cause weight gain so I have to be careful what I eat.

Has your psychiatrist suggested a mood stabiliser? It sounds like it would probably help you with your mood being so low at the moment. Most people who have bipolar find a mood stabiliser very effective. I take Lamotrigine which is a medication that is also used for epilepsy. There are many other mood stabilisers available including, carbamazapine and lithium.

Do you have support from the community mental health team? If so please contact them about your low mood, if not you can call your psychiatrists secretary and explain how you are feeling at the moment.

Life with bipolar can be managed very well once you have found the right medication.

Good luck xxx :hugs:

06-03-10, 22:09
HI Sunshine-lady
Thankyou for the reply.
Ive not asked for any help or spoke to anyone. some days are better than others.
Ive been told by a freind i can apply for DLA as ive been unable to work, and am un married, do you know anything about that.
I have an appointment in a few weeks to see my psychiatrist, i believe he is going to increase the dose hopefully that will help.
Best Wishes
Velveteen:) x

07-03-10, 16:08
Hi Velveteen,

It might be worth asking your psychiatrist if you would be able to have some outside support, perhaps the help of a CPN or a support worker.

100mg of quetiapine is quite a low dose and your psychiatrist may want to use that as a base it increase on.

I get DLA and incapacity benefit as I have been unable to work for several years. If you want to claim DLA I would advise you to speak to somebody before filling out the forms as they can be a total nightmare. Have you heard of Rethink? They are really helpful for helping people living with mental health issues and have a great advocacy service. Take a look at their site.


Take care xxx :hugs:

09-03-10, 13:54
Hi Sunshine-lady
Thanks for that advice i will have a look on there site.
Does the dla make much difference, ive been on incapacity benefit for 10yrs with depression but just recently diagnosed with bipolar.
velve:)teen x

09-03-10, 14:04
Hi Sunshine-lady
Im moving back to my home county in a few weeks. so they are waiting until i move to involve cpn help.
Im seeing my psychiatrist in the next couple of weeks as they want to increase the medication.
I will check that site out, im curious as to the benefits of getting dla, is it a resonable amount that i would recieve?
best wishes
Velveteen:) xxx