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View Full Version : Celiac Disease...Anyone?

04-03-10, 15:23
If you suffer with this please could you read my post on Dermatitis Herpetiformis...(2nd page i think) i'm after as much info as i can without having to go to Dr Google as i always end up reading all the negs:blush:

Thank you


04-03-10, 19:36
I've had Coeliac Disease for about 20 years. You can check out the website http://www.coeliac.org.uk/ which is full of info.

04-03-10, 20:39
Thank you Horse for the link.

Sorry to hear you have had it for 20 yrs:ohmy: can i ask how old you were when you were diagnosed and how long it took for you to be diagnosed?

I have been feeling so 'blah' of late but not knowing exactly what is wrong with me. What i do know is i've got no energy or any drive to do anything apart from just sitting and if i'm honest just feeling sorry for myself:shrug:

I can't wait until my GP is back next week so i can move on to the next step of finding out just what is wrong with me!

Sorry for going on:wacko:


04-03-10, 20:45
Is this confirmed with a blood test from the GP?

04-03-10, 21:28
Yes it can be Jessica, but you can also get still get a neg result so i'm told.


04-03-10, 21:40
Oh right, mine was negative.

05-03-10, 08:26
I was prob about 35ish when they discovered it. I had an endoscopy and they take a biopsy of your stomach area (painless). I believe this can now be diagnosed with a blood test but I'm not sure how acurate this is compared to a biopsy.

Getting diagnosed wasn't easy, as Coeliac Disease presents very similar symptoms to IBS so therefore I was told I prob had IBS. It was only that I pushed for further investigation that I got an appointment with a Gastroentologist who predicted Coeliac Disease even before he done the endoscopy.

You wil find that a gluten free diet is the only way forward if diagnosed and has to be maitained for life. It's not too bad at all.

05-03-10, 08:51
My Dad had A BLOOD TEST 10 years ago and it was negative, then had a biopsy which was positive. My Sister had a blood test 2 months ago that was positive. I went with her to see the consultant who said bloods are 99% accurate these days. She still had to have a biopsy to confirm though. Couldn't get food on prescription if she didn't have the biopsy. Her quality of life has improved DRASTICALLY since she has eaten gluten free!

05-03-10, 09:44
Thank you Horse & Smudger for your replies:)

Having looked on the website link Horse i have quite a few symptoms together with the rash that my GP thinks is DH.

Roll on next week!

Thanks again
