View Full Version : asthma

04-03-10, 18:12
here we go again. been to the doctor for my bp check and mentioned i had been having some discomfort breathing on occasions and now im lined up for asthma tests. thats started the health anxiety off as i dont know what tests will be done and what happens with any adverse results. anybody know about it all?

04-03-10, 18:20
Hello Alan,

It will probably involve a peak flow meter test where you blow as hard as you can into a sort of tube. You won't have any invasive tests. If you have asthma then an inhaler will help you greatly. Sometimes when anxious though we can get breathless as our chest muscles tense up. I get this occasionally. Concentrated tummy breaths really help with this and help your chest muscles to relax.

11-03-10, 10:56
im still getting this uncomfortable breathing. sometimes it feels as if i only get half filled lungs although i can still take deep breaths. my chest muscles seem slightly tense but would that be enough to cause this uncomfortable feeling?

11-03-10, 11:06

been having a lot of chest discomfort...cardiologist who I saw to rule out heart issues as the cause said tht its likely, given the symptoms i described to him.

peak-flow, chest x-ray/scan and a trial on an inhaler were what he reccommended.

its either asthma or reflux causing my breathing issues.

best of luck to you anyway.

27-03-10, 09:18
the good news is after testing i havent got asthma so is it stress?, but after blood tests they say i need checking for diabetes because my reading is at 6.8. this and the palps to deal with, no wondered i am stressing. now im waiting for an appointment at the local hospital.

27-03-10, 09:47
I'm glad you havn't got asthma. I know sometimes I get spells of feeling my lungs aren't filling up with air properly although I seem to be taking deep breaths. I'm certain that it is just another lovely symptom of anxiety!
My chest muscles also seem to hurt when this is happening.
It's always the same with us anxiety sufferers you get one thing ruled out and another one pops up to replace it.
I too have had tests recently which fortunately so far have been negative. I was so pleased but now I'm feeling really weird again...that horrible on the edge, going to go mad feeling. Oh the joys of this illness!
I hope your tests turn out to be ok when you get them.