View Full Version : panic and agraphobia

04-03-10, 19:06
Hi Im new to this site,Ive had panic attacks and agraphobia on and off for 30yrs,Never really had much help,have had to pay for councilling ,when I was in my twenties I was given so many tablets I nearly lost my job cos they thought I was drunk.Id been told I was depressed but I didn t feel it.Only when I had Bad agrophobia in late thirties and couldn t walk to end of my rd did my Dr tell me I d always suffered with it.Id always thought I was different to everyone else and wanted to be normal Ive never found anyone who suffered the same till I saw this site.I do go out but some days better than others,having a mobile phone helped me get out and reading feel the fear and do it anyway.I feel Ive missed so much in life I would love to be able to go abroad or even in this country without it being a battle.I dont have many friends as I get frightened of making a fool of myself having a panic attack.

04-03-10, 19:07
Hi janet

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-03-10, 19:43
If you can, get Dr. Claire Weeke's book, "Agoraphobia." I had sever agoraphobia in the early 80s and this book helped me through it. Recently, the agoraphobia reared it's ugly head again and so I bought the book again. Yesterday, I was able to go shopping at our local KMart and was fine. While I was there, a man had a seizure right in front of me. I didn't panic and pulled out my cell to call 911. A couple of months ago, I would have probably fainted.

Dr. Weeke's technique isn't easy, but VERY worthwhile to follow. It worked for me once and I know it will again. I am already making progress. Please try to get the book.

04-03-10, 22:13
Thanks, I have not heard of this book before i will have a look for it.

04-03-10, 22:28
Hi Janet !
I am so glad you're here- you've just made a whole community of new friend here at NMP !

Veronica H
05-03-10, 08:38
:welcome:janet. You will find comfort and support here.


05-03-10, 10:30
hi janet
i like u have suffered with this for many years , i was also told it depression though i knew it wasnt . finding this site a few years ago helped me to realise what was wrong and knowing that has helped so much , i still have good and bad days but in my head i now it is something i have to live with some days is eaiser than others but i keep on fighting .
hope this site can help u as much as it has me .
good luck

Vanilla Sky
05-03-10, 11:46
Hi Janet and welcome to NMP , you will find it supportive here :welcome: Paige x

05-03-10, 15:53
Hi Janet

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :hugs: