View Full Version : hate this horrible feeling

04-03-10, 19:21
hello everyone,
i went to feel really ill last night.i feel unwell most days but last night i went to feel really shaky and kept having like waves of nausea every few minutes.i managed to fall asleep,and this morning i woke up with a headache and my jaw aching so i must of been grinding my teeth whilst sleeping again lol i no i shouldnt laugh but i really dont want my teeth ending up like pickle stabbers ha.anyway this afternoon i went to feel the same way again like my head is foggy the shakiness and felt really sick and im drinking alot of water.please help does anyone else get like this:wacko:

04-03-10, 19:38
If you're drinking too much water and not eating, that could be why you are nauseous.

My jaw always hurts because I not only grind them at night, but clench them during the day.

Do you think you have the flu? The shakiness and the other symptoms could be due to the flu or anxiety. I know it's hard for me to tell whether I have a physical illness or it's my almost constant anxiety.

04-03-10, 19:38
Sound like anxiety hun.:hugs:as for grinding your teeth I do this in my sleep.My dentist had me a mouth guard made and its mad alot of difference.:hugs:

04-03-10, 20:00
hiya no i dont have the flu an i am eating thats what i dont understand:weep:its like it comes and goes my legs are getting like a warm sensation aswell.i would go to the dentist but i have a phobia of them i really hate the dentist!!i do feel like flu symptoms alot of the time tho like the aching all over and i always suffer with aching arms and neck.its never ending once 1 symptom goes another 1 appears straight away xx

11-03-10, 16:45
If I have an anxious spell for example an anxiety attack or I'm worried about something I shake uncontrollably for days untill I feel better. Its especially bad if Im hungry or I'm in new circumstances, and it leads to my lower back , neck, arms, wrists and pretty much everything aching because of the constant muscle tension. Its more horrible when you feel so sick you think you could wake up in the morning and stay in bed all day.

You need a GOOD HEARTY meal and some exercise, however bad you feel. You have to keep your body moving and functioning!