View Full Version : Citalopram / Doctors advice

04-03-10, 19:39
Hi everyone,
This is my first time on here. I would appreciate it if you could give me your opinion...

My aunt had a stroke at Christmas. She was put on 20mg of Citalopram as part of her medication. She has always been against anti-depressants!

She has now been on them for two months and only realised when I told her what the were. She wants to come off them as soon as possible. When we spoke to the Doctor, she said she had to wait for 6 months. I am left wondering whether the Doctor is saying that because they want her to stay on them or because that's how long it will take before they can reduce them before stopping. (I am not a great believer in pharmaceuticals anyway and therefore quite mistrusting of the Doctors intentions).

Any thoughts??
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

04-03-10, 20:35
not sure why they would want her to take them for 6 months. My friends dad had a stroke and they put him on citalopram (found that out when i told my friend i had been put on them and she said that's what they gave her dad after the stroke) So it's maybe a drug they use that helps stroke victims - try doign some reasearch.

It takes about 2-8 weeks for them to start working properly - and if you come off them it should be a gradual reduction to minimize withdrawel.

Hope you get some answers.

AJ :)

04-03-10, 21:18
Hi. I have read citalopram can improves motor function in stroke patients. Also depression is common in about 30 % of stroke patients after the stroke. Is your Aunt suffering? If not, maybe its the former reason. Doc probably wants to give it time to work, thats why they said 6 months. In the latter case with depression, once a patient feels better they recommend continuing for a further 6 months before weaning off. Best thing is to ring the doc to ask which reason he has prescribed it for.

05-03-10, 10:24
Thanks for your comments. They are helpful. I am just worried that the side effects will hinder her recovery from the stroke. In addition to this we won't know whether the fatique, confusion and dizziness etc are from the stroke or the side effects. Also, could she become addicted to them?
She says that they make her feel 'funny' and doesn't like them. She was very angry to find out that she had been taking them without her knowledge. It seems that the doctor wanted her to take them before her stroke but she refused. She seems to have a battle with her doctor. Maybe it's best to speak to the Doctor agin and find out the exact reasons.
Thanks again for your comments.

05-03-10, 17:52
You do feel a bit odd for a few weeks whilst your body gets used to them. They are not addictive say like recreational drugs...you don't crave them. When its time to come off them, its best not to stop suddenly but to wean off. The doc will tell you how. I would speak to the doc, definately. Think your Aunt needs reassurance that anti depressants are not JUST used for depression stangely enough! She might then feel happier to take them.

06-03-10, 11:05
I will find out the reason from the Doc. Maybe then I will be able to reassure my aunt.
Thanks again,