View Full Version : hey im new here

04-03-10, 20:16
Here's a little about myself
Im twenty two years old, living near Great Yarmouth in England
Ive been diagnosed with
Depression (currently on mirtazapine)
Paranoia (currently on olanzapine)
and though not diagnosed i have most OCD symptoms which ive been dealing with since i was about four or five

My main concern has always been my anxiety
I feel im in a catch 22 alot of the time
I get bored easily which leads to my depression..
My bordem never seems to pass and my anxiety gets in the way of trying new things and meeting new people ..so basically im screwed
I know thats not right attitude to have, it just feels that way most of the time.

List of meds ive been on if anyone wants any information about:
3 diffrent types of anti-anxiety meds which either didnt work or were only temporary because they're addictive
Now on mirtzapine 30mg
and olanzapine which is an anti-psychotic
both are really helpful for me, i used to be under-weight and could never sleep.. both those meds are a god send in that perspective ..im now a healthy weight and can get to sleep at night :) ..just gettin out of bed in the morning is the hard part! :)

Well thats me! if i can help with anything dont hesitate to ask!
Thanks -Ryan

04-03-10, 20:17
Hi RyanG

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-03-10, 20:42
hi ryan just saying hello and hope you find the site and the people on it of help. I'm sure you will always have someone to chat to.:)

04-03-10, 22:17
Hi Ryan, just wanted to say a warm welcome to you, i have only been using the site for a week and it has really helped. Yoou can ask questions and just chat when you need company and reassurance. It sounds like you are going through a really difficult, scary time, people on this site will help I'm sure of that. Take lots of care

Regards, flossy :welcome:

Veronica H
05-03-10, 08:40
:welcome:Ryan. This is friendly site with great information and support.


Vanilla Sky
05-03-10, 11:48
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

05-03-10, 12:50
Hi Ryan, welcome. Its a brilliant forum, has really helped me. I recently started taking mirtazipine (4 weeks ago, 1st 3 weeks 15mg, increased to 30mg last night), I wondered if you would like to share your experiences with this medication. I too have taken citalopram (for around 8 years on and off but recently it stopped helping me hence the change), and before that fluoxetine and diothepin. How long have you taken the mirtazipine for and how has it helped you etc. Jo.
There is a mirtazipine link, might be helpful to post on there. Thanks.

07-03-10, 15:40
hi again and thank you for all the replies!
JT69 yeah im up or that, ive only been taking mirtz for bout 2 weeks now and im already noticing an improvment, i hope this one serves me better than the citalopram and the sertraline did! i do have high hopes for mirtz! :)
my only problem is after i take it and when i wake up in the morning.. i just feel like i cant move lol
but thats why its "before bed" medication i guess. how are you feeling on it after a month? side effects wearing off yet?