View Full Version : sooooo tired

04-03-10, 20:18
Hi ,
Im on day 5 of citolapram and 2 weeks of diazepam and i am sooooo tired i have to keep working as i dont get sick pay but i found it really difficult to get through today didnt feel awake at all felt like a zombie all day couldnt even talk is this unusual? ive never felt this tired in all my life x

04-03-10, 20:23
you are doing really well - day 5 of citalopram and you are still working - you should look on this as an achievement - a lot of people get fairly bad side effects the first 1-2 weeks upon starting. ( i had headaches, felt sick, bad anxiety).

I'm sure it's really normal to feel that tired on day 5 - i hardly got out my bed for the first 10 days.

I do feel more tired now than i used to (12 weeks in) - but it's worth it as i do feel a lot better.

AJ :)

05-03-10, 09:45
Hello both of you! I've been on cit for two and a half years and have fallen victim to the curse of the fatigue!!! My secret is to do some exercise and get out in the fresh air. Also, putting a teaspoon of ground ginger in your coffee livens you up, as does having spinach every day. Hope this helps!

05-03-10, 09:59
Hi, You deserve a pat on the back...to continue working whilst starting citalopram, most people find it too difficult due to the side effects. I took this med for a number of years, did feel tired at first but that soon wore off. You sound like you are managing to avoid most of the side effects when first taking this medication. What dose have you started on?? What dose are you taking of diazepam? It may be the diazepam that is making you feel so tired as this relaxes you, but then it may be keeping the side effects of citalopram at bay. How much diazepam are you taking?? I am sure as you take the meds you will start to feel less tired and more alert. It's early days for you at the moment, but it's great you are able to continue working. Jo.

05-03-10, 10:03
Hello both of you! I've been on cit for two and a half years and have fallen victim to the curse of the fatigue!!! My secret is to do some exercise and get out in the fresh air. Also, putting a teaspoon of ground ginger in your coffee livens you up, as does having spinach every day. Hope this helps!

Spinach and ginger
I think I'd rather be tired LOL

05-03-10, 12:09
Hi jo i work doing home care so im just at peoples house else i wudnt be working im on 5mg diazepam and 10mg of citolapram ive just got back from work and today i have really bad stomache feels more like contractions its that bad, i have the coil fitted so now im worring about this x

05-03-10, 12:24
Hi, sometimes citalopram can cause upset stomach so it may be that. 10mg is a low dose and a good dose (in my oppinion) to start off on. Did you feel tired taking the diazepam before starting citalopram. I didnt experience tiredness when taking citalopram, in fact it increased my anxiety levels at first so couldn't sleep very well, but maybe thats just me. I also lost my appetite so lost alot of weight at first too. It's very early days for you, you have to give it at least 2 weeks, sometimes longer before you notice any difference. Jo.

05-03-10, 12:30
Well he put me on diazepam at first because i wasnt sleeping at night and nxt time i see him hes taking me off that and a higher dose of citalopram, ive not felt as tired today as yesterday though, I could eat all day long (did) until i started taking the citalopram and its made me lose my appetite but i was worrying as people have said on here even though they lost their appetite they still put weight on, im scared now as i lost 16lb on weigh****chers before xmas i dont want to put any on x

05-03-10, 12:57
Hi again, if you watch your diet then you should be o.k with the weight. I did lose my appetite and lost a stone and a half but because I wasn't being careful I put it all back on. Hasn't helped that I am off work at the moment, so hoping when I do go back that will help. You might find when you stop taking the diazepam you dont feel as tired. If you look around the site there are other people on here who say they do feel tired on cit. I just didn't suffer with that myself. Hope you feel better soon. Jo.

05-03-10, 13:05
Hi, if you search through the threads for Chrissy, there are some posts linked to that re tiredness and citalopram. Hope that helps. JO.

05-03-10, 22:57
Hello both of you! I've been on cit for two and a half years and have fallen victim to the curse of the fatigue!!! My secret is to do some exercise and get out in the fresh air. Also, putting a teaspoon of ground ginger in your coffee livens you up, as does having spinach every day. Hope this helps!

Hey Liss,

Just had a skinny mocha and added a spoon of ginger.
Cor it was a bit strong

I have a feeling I will be tasting this for a fortnight now !!!!!!

14-04-10, 21:33
Does the ginger actually wake you up??? I am really interested in this now.... an entire spoon is gonna taste yuk surely? Am keen to put in my mid morning coffee???? Hmmmmm x