View Full Version : scared to take my mitrazapine HELP

04-03-10, 20:52
hi i no ive only just posted another thread but could someone give me some advice on taking mitrazapine please!my doctor has pescribed me 30mg and im really scared to take them even tho i want to coz im feeling quite awful atm.can they do anything dangerous to me when i take 1 and is it a high dosage what he has put me on.im on to minds whether to take 1 before i go to bed so could do with some advise on what to do please :wacko:

04-03-10, 20:57
Hi, Your doctor knows you better than we do and he wouldn't have prescribed them if he didn't think it was safe to, so please stop worrying. :)

04-03-10, 21:03
aw thanks:) i am very paranoid when it comes to tablets are they similar to diazepam??and im also on propranolol thats another reason why im worried takin the to together

04-03-10, 21:21
Mirtazapine is not similar to diazepam but is does have a similar non-addicting effect. At 30mg, you're on the medium level dose and it's perfectly safe to take with a beta-blocker. I used to take 45mg mirtazapine, 140mg lofepramine AND 80mg propranolol so I promise you there is nothing to worry about :) it is a brilliant drug for anxiety and depression, really hope it helps!

Dee dee
04-03-10, 21:22
My doctor initially prescribed me mirtazapine...they do help alot of ppl but they made me far too drowsy and sleepy, I have 2 children so sleeping alot is not an option. I found them hard to tolerate. I know take cipralex and find they work very well after the initial couple of weeks of side effects. Lots of ppl have to try diff meds cause what can work great for one may not another and vice versa. I was also on 30mg of mirtazipine and had no bad effects just sleeping alot and drowsy but heightenned anxiety when my doc stopped them xx
hope this helps

04-03-10, 22:22
thanks for your replies i have tried dosulepin and citalopram so far and i didnt like either so i went on diazepam for 2 weeks they did help but my doctor wouldnt give me anymore because he said they are highly addictive so thats when he gave me the mitrazapine to take what about if i took half of the tablet for the first time just to see if i feel ok do u think that would be ok??xx

04-03-10, 23:07
I have been taking mirtazapine for several years and it works really well for me. If you are worried about taking 30mg, go back to your dr and ask if you can start on 15mg. Not sure about mirtazapine, but SOME meds are not designed to be broken in half.I am sure you dr knows what is right for you.

Take care xx

04-03-10, 23:25
thank you:),i was wondering when i first had them why he's started me on 30mg tbh i told him i wasn't getting to sleep till like 3 or 4 in the morning and thats late for me as i used to be asleep by haf 10 or 11 and he said that they would help me sleep do they help you sleep??xx