View Full Version : fear of deep vein thrombosis

04-03-10, 21:50
hi hope people can help reassure me!

yesterday the back of my calve was aching a bit. it was only aching for about an hour on and off and it wasnt that bad and i have had it alot before and been ok.
but then when i was in the bath tonight i pressed in the place it had been hurting yesterday and it feels sore when i press down on it. also i have a red mark there but im not sure if it was there before i was pressing down on it or not!

i am so worried now. i have had this fear of dvt before but i am even more worried this time. any advice greatly appreciated xx

04-03-10, 22:23
I have had many dvt's & PE's and I can assure you that unless your calve feels like it's on fire ans swollen chances are you have not got a dvt.

04-03-10, 22:38
thanks for replying. sorry to hear you have suffered so much!

i feel a little more relaxed about it now but i have also heard that some people can have no symptoms with it? so thats why i cant relax completely! x

05-03-10, 00:59
There are so many factors to developing this, I don't mean to alarm you by this at all as my fiance his mother passed away a year ago from this as a result of the clot dislodging. This is rare.
Below are variables that contribute to DVT.
are over 40
are immobile, for example, if you have had an operation (especially on a hip or knee) or are travelling for long distances - and so are not able to move your legs
have had a blood clot in a vein before
have a family history of blood clots in veins
have a condition causing your blood to clot more easily (this is called thrombophilia)
are very overweight (obese)
have cancer or have had cancer treatment
have heart disease or circulation problems
are a woman taking a contraception pill that contains oestrogen, or hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
are pregnant or have recently had a baby

Therefore I suggest if the above you have concerns with, see your doctor and they will do tests etc, and if there is an issue there are drugs that can be taken to help your blood not clot.

BUT I am sure that you have nothing to worry about at all! Just the other week my calf was aching so badly etc and this was my first thought then when I really thought about it the pain was muscular from going to the gym and doing exercises that I havent done in a while.

Best of luck and I always say if you are really worried just see your doctor as they will be able to give you the answers.
