View Full Version : Medication Change Worries

05-03-10, 00:49
I went to see my psychiatrist today who was very reassuring and confirmed I have health anxiety and depression. Put my mind at rest slightly about the schizophrenia worries.

So the plan of action is to come off 40mg Citalopram and start on Sertraline 50mg the up to 100mg.

I have to gradually reduce 40mg citalopram over 6 days then hae 3 days off then start 50mg of Sertraline.

It all sounds very very scarey to me. Stopping Citalopram so quickly then not being on anthing for 3 days. Then having to wait for the Sertraline to take effect.

I'm just looking for anyone else who's done something like this and got through it ok lol.

John xx

05-03-10, 12:36
Sertraline is a great choice and really helps with anxiety. The switch should not be too bad because of that. I hope the switch goes well for you. Good Luck

05-03-10, 14:14
Good luck xx

05-03-10, 15:40
Thanks. Glad to hear Sertraline worked for you. Hopefully it will for me too.

Just worried about this cutting down Citalopram.


05-03-10, 18:55
Hi John.Thank goodness your doc has the sense to wean you off citalopram. I was told to stop stright away n take a completely different type of anti depressant thereon. Not good at all. Good luck, you sound like you have a sensible doc to me. We all wean off in different ways because docs seem to give different advice. Hope yours goes okay matey.

06-03-10, 18:06
Thanks for that post.

Ive felt ok yesterday and today on 30mg apart from I just starting feeling a bit sad but I had just watched Rainman with Tom cruise/Dustn Hoffman.

Down to 20mg tomorrow and monday so fingers crossed.


08-03-10, 10:54
Well its monday. 2nd day at 20mg.

Generally not doing too bad. I think any symptoms I have are those of anxiety rather than withdrawal.

I do have a bit of cold still with a sore throat. My chest and throat feel tight, so im hoping this is not to do with the withdrawal.

Im suprised how ok I am at minute. Just dreading a sudden onset of severe withdrawal symptoms or anxiety.


10-03-10, 19:55
Took my last dose of 10mg this morning.

Feel pretty crap this evening.

Worrying about what damage could be happening to my body. Wondering what symptoms are to come - will i go mad, will i hallucinate, will it make me stop breathing...................

Got another 3 days with no meds then weeks of adjusting to sertraline. What if that doesn't work :(


10-03-10, 20:04
Give it a chance if you can. I have had some great feed back about sertraline. Strange how that dread...that fear makes us feel so confused. Is it the fear causing more fear, or is there something really wrong.

I hope you find some peace. Do something nice for yourself...get cosied up in bed with a book, or watch something funny on DVD, be very kind to yourself and know that you will survive....nothing really bad will happen, honest.


11-03-10, 10:56
Thaks for the reply.

I was a bit agitated yesterday on and off from about 4pm to 2am. On and Off though.

Today's my first day without meds in a long time. I start on 50mg sertraline on sunday, so fingers crossed.

My plan was to just relly take things easy for the next few days to a week. I.E lots of duvet days and dvd watching and comfort eating e.t.c.

Then I'm really going to make an effort when on the sertraline. Is this a good idea or should I try and keep going?


11-03-10, 11:09
I think as long as what you're doing is comforting you and making you feel better then do whatever it takes! If you do find though that you're slipping into depression then try to keep going, sitting down doing nothing but thinking is the worse thing you can do.

Alhough I've not changed meds, I have messed them up on a few occasions and forgotten to re-order them and I tend to find that the withdrawal symptoms dont usually start until the 4th day, so you should be ok.

Good luck :yesyes: