View Full Version : Citalopram to Sertraline

05-03-10, 01:28
I've been on and off Citalopram for 10 years.

After seeing my psychiatrist she wants me to come off it and go onto sertraline. I have to reduce Citalopram rapidly like 30mg for 2 days, 20mg 2 days, 10mg 2 days then nothing for 3 days then start my sertraline.

I'm really worried because I have had withdrawal symptoms in the past. This seems like such a fast reduction.

Is there any chance this cold do me serious damage?

John x

05-03-10, 01:42
I don't think it could do you serious damage but I don't think much of your doctor's withdrawal plan either. Far too quick in my opinion, especially if you've had bad experiences in the past.

But see how you go and if you have any problems go straight back to your doctor.

On a positive note, sertraline helped me much more than citalopram, so I hope you do well.

05-03-10, 09:05
Hi, I agree with Mel, having known you were effected last time than that is a quick reduction. Having said that your phychiatrist probably wants to get the new meds into you asap. That happened to me just recently when i had to come off citalopram, I pretty much did the same as you. I had 2 weeks of withdrawal from cit and side effects from the new meds, but after that it did improve. Thinking back it was worth it as I now have the new meds in my system things have improved. If you are able to take time off work that would be good as I couldn't of worked feeling like I did. Having said that you are just changing from one type of SRRI to another type so you might not experience it too much. I changed to a completely different type so it was different for me. Let us know how you get on. Jo.

05-03-10, 10:39
Hi thanks toboth of you for the replies.

Well I've taken my first reduced dose today.
I'll keep kind of a diary going on here about the transition.

It's good to hear positive things about Sertraline. If I get a couple of rough weeks but then to start feeling better i'd be happy with that.
Currently on 40mg of Cit. I feel terrible so I need the change.

Also I don't work full time I just do guitar lessons part time so I've already said these will be disrupted for a few weeks.


06-03-10, 14:22
On my second day at 30mg today and i actually feel a little better than on 40mg.

Down to 20mg tomorrow.


06-03-10, 14:35
That's good news John. I hope you have an easy transition to sertraline.

Let us know how you get on.

06-03-10, 16:51
That lovely news John, let it continue. let us know how you go. Good luck. Jo

08-03-10, 10:50
well 2nd day down at 20mg today.

feel abit weird but not sure if its the withdrawal or anxiety.

My chest and throat feel quite tight but I seem to of had a cold for the last few weeks.

Just dreading a sudden onset of sevee withdrawal symptoms.


08-03-10, 11:02
Hi John, You might feel o.k, not everyone suffers withdrawal symptoms. I think you are doing well. Your chest/throat may be down to having cold, there are so many viruses around at the moment. Keep on going...Good luck!! Jo.

08-03-10, 15:30
Thanks Jo.

I been out all day and just got home. I was okish apart from some dp/dr in asda. Didnt have a panic attack though so not too bad.

I'm just worrying about what will happen on the days I have bo Citalopram left in my system and I havent started the sertraline.


08-03-10, 15:56
Hi John, Asda is not the best place anyhow even when we feel 100%, I find the big supermarkets quite daunting at times. How long do you have to wait before starting the sertraline after finishing citalopram? I think you will find you will probably be fine, you might feel it a little when you start the new drug.

I was like you on and off citalopram for around 9 years, I had to reduce down in 1 week and then start straight on mirtazipine. I only had one day when I took nothing. (I have just re-read your thread and seen you have to wait 3 days), I was unlucky and suffered withdrawal effects, (zaps through my body), and I suffered side effects from the new drug, this lasted for around 14-17 days but gradually got less and less.

You might be absolutely fine as you're changing from one srri to another srri whereas I changed medication type altogether.

Try not to worry (and I know that is easier said than done) I'm sure you will be fine.

Take care and keep me posted. Jo.

09-03-10, 12:54
Well gone down to 10mg today. So far its not been too bad. I had anxiety/withdrawal effects yesterday which were quite upsetting.

I heard that citalopram has a half life of 35 hours. So withdrawal symptoms should happen after the 35 hours?

I worked out that I've been decreasing for 96 hours so far. So i'm guessing this means only the 30mg dose will be felt?

Just a bit worried its gonna hit me hard in the next few days.


10-03-10, 10:13
Hi John,

Your doing well, sorry to hear that you are a bit worried about gonna be hard over the next few days, I pray that it will not be as hard for you over the next few days. I hope and pray that you continue to not have bad side affects of coming of cit. That your 3 days without anything will not be hard to get through.

sending hugs to ya... :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


10-03-10, 20:16
Thanks Yvonne. Appreciate that :)

Started ok this morning but this evening i started feeling rough.

Today could be my last day on Citalopram ever though.

3 days clear now.

Fingers crossed.

Just worried abot things like suddenly stopping breathing or becoming psychotic or something.


11-03-10, 20:15
Feel really bad this evening.

Got buzzes going through my head every few seconds.

Feel dizzy and my breathing is hard.

Not sure if I can do this. Feel's like I really could go mad :(

Either that or just stop breathing or something.

11-03-10, 22:38
Feel really bad this evening.

Got buzzes going through my head every few seconds.

Feel dizzy and my breathing is hard.

Not sure if I can do this. Feel's like I really could go mad :(

Either that or just stop breathing or something.

Hi Superjonboy,

Sorry your having a horrible time of it. Dont give up, keep going, your anx is going through the roof, this will pass. sending you lots of hugs to ya... :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


12-03-10, 10:05
Feel really bad this evening.

Got buzzes going through my head every few seconds.

Feel dizzy and my breathing is hard.

Not sure if I can do this. Feel's like I really could go mad :(

Either that or just stop breathing or something.

Hi, Wish I could of helped you last night...I hope you got through it ok. The buzzes that you describe is called electric shock syndrome, it is to do with the withdrawal of srr's, I had it when I recentlyh came off citalopram and went on to mirtazipine, I too had it every few seconds all day every day...it will go...when you start taking sertraline you might find they go as that is also a srri. Please be assured it is a common withdrawal effect, I know it's not nice but it will pass. You sounded like you were suffering with anxiety too, that is also another common side effect. What you are going through is not nice but it will pass and you will start to feel better....and I hope that's real soon for you. I send you a big hug:hugs:hope today is a better day for you. Jo.xx

12-03-10, 20:11
Thanks very much to both of you for your kind replies.

I got through it in the end.

I think the thing is once i start feeling the symptoms I worry something terrble will happen. Ive also been getting the unreal feelings which I get a lot of with anxiety anyway. The diffeence is I guess that wih the medication causing it I could become psychotic or hallucinate.

I did good this morning anyway. Went to help my dad do some work. I've not really worked since september so it was good.


13-03-10, 18:06
Todays my last day before starting sertraline.

I feel dazed and quite ill.

Lots of electric shock feeling and a horrible thing in my throat/upper chest. It almost feels like air but light and cold??? ITs weird but not nice.

Dont feel i can do it much longer :(

13-03-10, 18:25
Todays my last day before starting sertraline.

I feel dazed and quite ill.

Lots of electric shock feeling and a horrible thing in my throat/upper chest. It almost feels like air but light and cold??? ITs weird but not nice.

Dont feel i can do it much longer :(

Hi superjonboy,

Sorry your feeling horrible, dont give up, you start sertraline tomorrow, hang in there. You have been doing really well. You can do this.

sending you lots of hugs to ya...:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


13-03-10, 18:25
Hi Joh, Sorry to hear you dont feel too good. It is your last day today so hang in there it will pass. The electric shock feeling is not nice, I know it so well, but honestly it will go. I think that once you start the sertraline you will start to improve. It is another srri medication so that is the same type as citalopram so hopefully the transition will be better than you changing to a completely different type. I for one hope you continue to post when you start as I would like to know how you find the sertraline as I wanted to change to this from citalopram but my gp reccommended mirtazipine (different type). Hang on in there.....you will be fine. Take care. Jo

13-03-10, 22:37
Hi JT.

What do the electric shock things feel like for you?

Mine are mainly in my head. It's almost like a pulsing with a buzz. Like i can hear them and feel them. It's almost like it's my pulse doing a couple of higher pressure beats or something. Weird.

I'm going to keep updating as I go along (if im still here that is.)

I'm not sure if i'll need to repost it in the sertraline thread though.


13-03-10, 23:42
Hi JT.

What do the electric shock things feel like for you?

Mine are mainly in my head. It's almost like a pulsing with a buzz. Like i can hear them and feel them. It's almost like it's my pulse doing a couple of higher pressure beats or something. Weird.

I'm going to keep updating as I go along (if im still here that is.)

I'm not sure if i'll need to repost it in the sertraline thread though.


Hi John,

You can keep posting this here, I'm on sertraline too, I have stayed posting my dairy here.

I was on Cit too and changed to sertraline.


14-03-10, 10:43
How have you found it Yvonne?

I've taken my first 50mg tablet this morning. So fingers crossed.

Dreading getting side effects. Mainly Tremor, Nervousness/Agitation and Mania. They seem to be the ones that stand out as beig the worst.

Don't thnk I've ever really had them on Citalopram so hopefully wont get them on Sertraline.

I'll keep posting anyway so hopefully there'll be a transition from now to feeling a lot better again :)

John xx

14-03-10, 14:06
Hi JT.

What do the electric shock things feel like for you?

Mine are mainly in my head. It's almost like a pulsing with a buzz. Like i can hear them and feel them. It's almost like it's my pulse doing a couple of higher pressure beats or something. Weird.

I'm going to keep updating as I go along (if im still here that is.)

I'm not sure if i'll need to repost it in the sertraline thread though.

Hi John,

Mine felt like that too except I didn't just have them in my head they were in my body too, and you describe them perfectly. Dont worry about posting here, I take mirtazipine but still read on here about citalopram as made some good friends on this thread. I am eager to know how you get on in case I ever change back to an Srri. Do you work at the moment and if so are you able to take time off until you get used to the meds?

Good luck with sertraline.


14-03-10, 14:14
Hi John,

Mine felt like that too except I didn't just have them in my head they were in my body too, and you describe them perfectly. Dont worry about posting here, I take mirtazipine but still read on here about citalopram as made some good friends on this thread. I am eager to know how you get on in case I ever change back to an Srri. Do you work at the moment and if so are you able to take time off until you get used to the meds?

Good luck with sertraline.


What's all this then ?
Up and about by 2pm on a Sunday - must be a first?

14-03-10, 14:32
What's all this then ?
Up and about by 2pm on a Sunday - must be a first?

Hey up duck!!!

Been up since 8am I shall have you know AND I had a late night (for me) last night with friends having a curry, was really nervous about going but really enjoyed myself, only had 2 halves of cider so was good in the drink department. May have a couple of glasses of the red tonight though...after all it is mothers day.:D


14-03-10, 14:40
Hey up duck!!!

Been up since 8am I shall have you know AND I had a late night (for me) last night with friends having a curry, was really nervous about going but really enjoyed myself, only had 2 halves of cider so was good in the drink department. May have a couple of glasses of the red tonight though...after all it is mothers day.:D


well done for the curry
funny isn't it why we get nervous among friends.

I had a friend once :weep:

14-03-10, 14:58
How have you found it Yvonne?

I've taken my first 50mg tablet this morning. So fingers crossed.

Dreading getting side effects. Mainly Tremor, Nervousness/Agitation and Mania. They seem to be the ones that stand out as beig the worst.

Don't thnk I've ever really had them on Citalopram so hopefully wont get them on Sertraline.

I'll keep posting anyway so hopefully there'll be a transition from now to feeling a lot better again :)

John xx

Hi John,

I'm on 50mg, I find them great, though I still have dizzyness, though not as bad as I had it with Cit, plus I also have the tremors, and these are not as bad as when I was on Cit. usually the side affects wear off after the first couple of weeks. I have my down days and good days.

I hope you do not have any side affects, hope you have a good day today.


14-03-10, 15:18
Hi Yvonne,

How long have you been on sertraline for??? Did citalopram stop working for you? Just curious. And when you first started taking sert were you able to carry on normal etc?? Jo.xx

14-03-10, 15:59
Hi Yvonne,

How long have you been on sertraline for??? Did citalopram stop working for you? Just curious. And when you first started taking sert were you able to carry on normal etc?? Jo.xx

Hi Jo,

I have been on Sertraline for about 2 months now. I was on Citalopram in 2004 for 2 years, then I was put on Venafaxine which cause me to be worse and very suicidal, on them for about 1 year, then the dr put me back on Citalopram, I let him know that they did not work before, dr says that they might work this time round. I had been on them for 2 years starting at 20mg to eventually on 60mg, suffered dizzyness and shakes all the time, the dizzyness was knocking me off my feet and the shakes stopped me from cooking. I had no movtivation with Citalopram. the shrink was going to change my meds, then decided not too. and different shrinks says that I should get my meds changed, then others says no change. I got fed up with having dizzy spells and the shakes, I had decided to stop my cit, even though I went to see my gp, this time I went to see a female dr, she was great. if you read the begining of my blip again, wish it would stop diary, you will see that she decided not to put me on anything until I complained about my panick attacks and anx was causing me problems.


17-03-10, 14:17
Well I'm onto my 4th day of 50mg Sertraline.

I was thinking about starting a new thread in the Sertraline section with a link back to this thread.
Edit: I have started a new thread http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=71645 in the Sertraline section

So far I've been ok earlier in the day but get pretty out of things around 4pm till abut 10pm. Things like feeling completely weightless. Severe lightheadedness. Then this morning I just woke up in a daze. I know where I am and everything but just feel so disconnected from reality.

Hope this is just but of DP/DR with the new meds that will pass but I'm really worried about psychosis or becoming manic.


17-03-10, 14:38
Well I'm onto my 4th day of 50mg Sertraline.

I was thinking about starting a new thread in the Sertraline section with a link back to this thread.
Edit: I have started a new thread http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=71645 in the Sertraline section

So far I've been ok earlier in the day but get pretty out of things around 4pm till abut 10pm. Things like feeling completely weightless. Severe lightheadedness. Then this morning I just woke up in a daze. I know where I am and everything but just feel so disconnected from reality.

Hope this is just but of DP/DR with the new meds that will pass but I'm really worried about psychosis or becoming manic.


To be honest that sounds more like food intolerance, or candida, than mania or psychosis.

Is there anything you consistently eat late afternoon ?????