View Full Version : bad bad bad,,,,

05-03-10, 06:35
You have a a couple of good days then crunch back to square one again,,,the negative feelings back,,,just like they had never left. Now it's like you have got nowhere. I feel today like i felt 4 months ago. Not slept much last night hence why i'm writing posts at this time of morning.
I just wish these feelings would go and leave me alone, because i wonder how much more i can take of this torture!
I know how today is going to be, because it's like the negative thoughts are in charge today,,if that makes sense,,and when it's like this No, i can't beat the thoughts. The bad thing is my friends, just when you think you are getting somewhere with this,,bang! you come back down to earth again,,,,with a bump!
Depression and anxiety,,,,,,It's like an off/on switch that controls your life isn't it? Controls how you will be today,,,I get so sick of it!!! It's nice to have good days but then when a bad day comes back it's like,,,5 times as worse.....
Regards Wayne,

05-03-10, 07:43
Morning Wayne

I'm sorry that you are feeling so low .. I do know what you mean I too have woken up on a low...

I know it sounds ridiculous but my partner hasn't returned from his night shift and he is usually home and at first I thought oh he'll walk through the door in a mo..and nothing so those feelings have hit...

I've just put on the relaxation music and am trying to get ready for my doctors and not dwell too much but those feelings are niggling and I have now got to aim to think NO NO NO..thats all we can do...

Hope your day gets better...from nothing and the ridiculous to the extreme can set it off ... but if relaxing music don't work then put some foot stomping stuff on and try and think anything ...he has just walked in ha ha

05-03-10, 09:50
Thanks Sharon,,glad your other half got home alright too, oh and thankyou for the advice,,might try the foot stomping stuff!!! lol. Funny, 5am this morning i was ringing my crissis team. Oh well was bound to get a bad day again sooner or later, it seems you can't have it too good,,lol.

05-03-10, 12:34
Sorry to hear you're having a bad day wayne.

I hope it gets better for you as the day goes on, it is awful how it just comes on especially after you having been feeling a bit better lately.

Just pm if you need a rant.

di xx

05-03-10, 15:33
Hi Wayne. Thinkin of you mate. Have you seen the doc lately. Maybe your dose isnt right if you are having more bad than good days??? Or maybve you need a different type of med?

05-03-10, 15:54
Hi smudger,
No,,,not really having more bad days than good ones, just last night and this morning was bad and caught me a bit by suprise because i had had 2 or 3 fair/good days so to be terrible again was a bit of a shock to the system, thought i was over the worst, i'm a bit better now, been talking today and taking my mind of it,,and myself. Anyway Docs putting me on some beta blockers next week too, so that should help. You know, i think having some good days and then a really low one again just has stung me a bit,,,Like everyone says tomorrow maybe a good day again!!!
Regards Wayne,

05-03-10, 16:33
Hi Wayne

It's very difficult when we have this yoyo anxiety and depression because we never know how we are going to be from one day to another.

My anxiety levels used to be like this. I would always know if i was going to have a bad day because the first thing i would think about when i woke up was anxiety. It must be alot worse for you as you are suffering from lack of sleep too. Both of those never go well together. :hugs:

I really hope that you manage to get a decent sleep tonight and that tomorrow is a much brighter day for you.

Take care
