View Full Version : Codeine phosphate

Desprate Dan
05-03-10, 08:08
Hello freinds,

I am waiting to go for a colonscopy, because i have been going to the toilet a lot more than usual in the last couple of months and have constant diaorhea, i already suffer from ibs so i am use to having diaorhea but its suddenly become a lot worse i get sudden urges to go to the toilet and empty my bowels..

The only treatment that seems to work is codeine phosphate, this stops me going to the toilet as much and helps me get on with every day life, but as soon as i stop it, i am back to sqaure one, dashing to the toilet.

I am frightened of taking the medication because i worrie i might become addicted as i heard codiene is very addictive.

Can anyone tell me what the lon term effects of useing codiene are?? is it safe in a reccomended does for long term??:unsure:

Thanks in advance.


05-03-10, 10:14
hi desperate dan i was addicted to codiene for two years only i didnt realise i was getting addicted as i was taking them for a tooth abcess and before i new it i needed them all the time.one of my withdrawel symptoms off there was diarrhea so just be careful your really dont realise how quick your body becomes dependant on them well i didnt.and i wonder now could it of been the addiction to them that helped with the panic attacks and anxiety.

Desprate Dan
05-03-10, 10:49
mmmmmm, Now i am not sure if my diaorrhea was due to a problem with my bowels or simply because i just stopped taking codiene??? the plot thickens.. pardon the pun.


07-03-10, 00:17
i didnt realise that it was until 1 day id had bad stomach cramps when i stopped taking them so i thought il just take 1 for the pain and the pains and diarrhea stopped

07-03-10, 00:34
Dan, it's not a good idea to be using opiates for your problem - though I can understand it helps short-term.

Speak to your doctor about other drug treatments mate.

07-03-10, 00:43
Have you tried Loperamide? Brand name is Imodium. It stops diarrhea and should be safer to use than codeine. I would suggest talking to your doctor though. Also look at your diet. Avoid 'roughage' kind of fibre, like bran, dried fruit etc and also chewing gum, fizzy drinks, coffee and artificial sweeteners. Eat things like white bread, mashed banana, jam and cooked apples. Thing with pectin in that are starchy. Definitely go to see your doctor. This could be caused by a food intolerance.

Desprate Dan
08-03-10, 17:09
Thanks to you all, yes i have tried Imodium which didnt help, and then tried some other tablets which also didnt work, them my doctor prescribed Codeine, i couldnt understand why he prescribed codeine, so i looked it up on Google and it is effective at treating diarrhea..
I dont want to get addicted, how do you know if you are??? Just before my tablets run out i am going to go back and see my gp and voice my concerns..


08-03-10, 17:20
Yes, it is best to talk to your GP about it.

Codeine is an antispasmodic. It stops the colon spasms which cause diarrhoea. It is in the opiate family, like morphine, opium and heroin, but it is the least dangerous of the group. It will also stop coughing. It's not really a long term solution, more a way of managing. You and your doctor need to work out what it is that is causing the diarrhoea and try to treat that.