View Full Version : I know a man who.......

08-01-06, 20:12
........had a heart attack a few months back and he was only 42! I was speaking with him a while ago and he said that he had chest aches and pains for years before and the doctors said that these were probably coming from the heart and were ealry warning signs that something was wrong!

Anyway why I am going on is that I have had chest pains again today along with several missed heartbeats (which are really really freaking me out) and I keep thinking that as I have chest pains very often that this too is early warning signs for me aswell!!!!

I am having the missed beats with chest pains that seem to be radiating through to my back too, I am really worried that there is something wrong with my heart and the doctors seem to think that there isnt....as I am young! but that doesnt mean anything....every time I wake up in the morning I keep thinking today will be my last and I dont know how much more I can take of this thinking![V]

I seem to keep jumping from really good days back to really really bad days.......like today! I have been walking around the house most of the day with my finger stuck to my neck monitoring my pulse....my family dont look twice anymore as they are so used to be being like this[Sigh...]

Still no luck on the job front either which is working me up a bit as things are really getting on top of me fincially...and to top it off my boyfriend is ill and I am worried sick that I will get he what has (flu) but I will get a much worse strain that will make me sooooo ill (and he is really ill [xx(]), I do not think this is what is causing the pains though as these come even when I have nothing to worry about!

Angie x

08-01-06, 22:24
you were speaking to him, so that means he is still alive then,unless it was during a psychic session. I know a man of 29 and a man of....... i could go on, but it doesnt mean anything, and as for the doc saying his pains for years were probably warnings , thats crazy,how on earth do they know that,you cannot think like that or you will tie yourself in knots. If you have been seen by a doc and told that your pain is not cardiac then you have to accept it has another cause ie anxiety/muscular,any young people that i have had dealings with in the past with cardiac problems do not have warnings for ages and ages, they usually have some congenital abnormality or sudden trouble the most i have known is a slight warning and its usually detected in exam, ecg or echo/toe,please stop worrying about this as it will worsen your symptoms. i know what you mean about your family not bothering anymore with you, that can be what happens,believe me if they thought you had a genuine med problem they would take you to docs. sorry about your boyfriends flu,but he will get better, if you catch it you will also get throught it,just try and remain focused and know that you are not alone,take care

I just want my life back

09-01-06, 20:05
I had chest pains for many years and they even told me at one point that my bra was too tight! This was years ago and I am still here and well.

Exercise and stretching will help the chest pains.

If you have been checked over by the doc then all is ok so try to forget about it.

Trust me I had chest pains for a long long time and they did go in time and I am now fine.


09-01-06, 22:43
Hi and thanks for replying,

I do know that I am sometimes very irrational and even when I sit and read some of my posts that I sound really stupid with the things I say but when the anxiety and panic get a grip over me I just don't know what to do! - like now

I realise that I have been to the doctors and had tests done and they say the usual stuff like "you are fine" and "you have nothing to worry about" and yes that does give me a quick fix, but once I am back home and the bad thoughts take over again I just lose control and I even think I know better than the doctors! I am insane!!

I have still been getting the chest pains today which are still radiating through to my back and I have been having other aches and pains along with that.....stabbing head pains, dizzy spells and a new one which feels like my throat is contracrting or spasms or something but it is awful and I can feel myself losing control.
Now I am thinking allsorts again like...brain tumour, heart failure/attack, I am going to stop breathing, my body is shutting down...and on and on and on.
I do feel bad when I say/think those things as I know there are people that really have these problems that would not sit here and go on and on about it like I am...I hate myself somethimes!

I really feel at a loss as I try so hard not to let myself get like this and then when it happens I am soooooo angry and that makes me worse, god I am rambling (sorry)
I can't stop this awful cycle of bad thoughts, even when I try to stop the bad thinking I say to myself that something bad will happen if I stop and it goes on and on, I can't win!

Anyway I am going to try and calm down a bit and stop myself from making yet another trip to the emergency doctors!

Angie x

09-01-06, 23:13
this is whyyou will always get a reply here because we all know how you feel and it does help for someone else to help keep us in the rational world,never fear about rambling as we all do it, you are just another fully paid up member of the club

I just want my life back