View Full Version : new to nomorepanic...

05-03-10, 14:35
Been a sufferer of panic/anxiety/social situations etc for 15 years. Started when i was a teenager. Led quite a restrictive life because of it. So sad to see my life pass by and feel like i havent made the most of it. Although its awful to think of others in pain and discomfort there is a certain amount of relief for me to know im not alone and you guys feel the same. So hard to explain myslef to others that just keep it inside and put up a good act.
would love to say yes to all opportunities that came my way...instead of always saying no to everything that scares me or that i have no control over. Analyse everything too much that i scare myself out of doing things. I havent had a holiday in years as cant leave the safety of home, dinners out scare me, staying away from home scares me, public transport scares me, being with strangers scares me...basically anything social frightens me. i hate being out of control and having no escape route.....hoping i dont have to live like this forever.
looking forward to chatting with you all.

05-03-10, 14:40
Hi Nellynoo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-03-10, 15:03
Hi Nelly

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:

It's a lovely friendly site with loads of advice and support.

Nice to meet you


05-03-10, 15:03
Hello Nellynoo,

You will find plenty of people here who will be able to offer really good advice and support. It really does help to know there are others who can relate to the way you feel, and I am sure you will make some good friends. :)

05-03-10, 16:05
Hi Nellynoo

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :hugs:

Vanilla Sky
05-03-10, 17:47
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

Veronica H
05-03-10, 23:21
:welcome:to NMP Nellynoo.
