View Full Version : excessive saliva

05-03-10, 19:09
hey every one, ive got a blocked nose and sore throat atm and im suffering really bad with excessive saliva. my mouth is filling up with saliva every 30 seconds or so. its making me feel really sick because im constantly swallowing the saliva. im just wondering if anyone else gets this problem when they get a cold and how long it lasts. also has any one got any tips for this problem. its keeping me up at night and making me feel miserable. sarah xx

05-03-10, 20:23

05-03-10, 21:26
Hi. I get this if I have a cold coz I always normally breath through my nose. N obviously you can't swallow it either. I know it sounds gross but I use an old marg tub with a lid next to me in bed at night (coz its worse then) to spit into. Yes gross, but necessary. Lasts til my nose unblocks normally I'm afraid. Usually get a cracked tongue too as it dries inn the night from breathing through mouth all the time.

05-03-10, 22:14
I'd just say have plenty of paper hankies to use for the saliva. A head cold is rotten - I've just spent the last few days at work taking Lemsips and my nose is now like Rudolph! It's red raw. It's all that blocked up feeling and breathing with your mouth that's blinking horrible. I feel better today but the last few days have been horrible. Hopefully you'll feel better in a day or two, but just take paracetamol and plenty of fluids.