View Full Version : pain in neck! and one side of head...help

05-03-10, 22:20
hi, i hav been suffering anxiety am on citalopram which has helped take the edge off, but after 6 months on it i hav started to get the pain, well it doesnt really hurt it is just a weird sensation in the top left side of my head, sometimes feels numb and sometimes like a burning. i hav a small lump on the back of my neck but it doesnt hurt...but my neck is really stiff and feels gristley when i move my head round if that makes any sense? its hard to explain. but my left side of my head just feels weird, i am always aware of it and feel like pulling my hair and like i am still so tense. can any1 suggest what i can do? does it sound like anything serious? been to docs so much...they always say stress.... x x x thanks for taking the time to read this :) xxx

05-03-10, 22:35
Hi Emily. You will be happy to no that i had the exact same thing for 3 weeks none stop, bloody awful it was.. My neck was so sore and my head i cant even explain but i was just so sick of it. Eventually it just went. I found that getting a bag of frozen peas or something out of the freezer and putting it on my neck or head helped me alot. Only short term but its better than nothing. Yes i do think its an axciety thing. Crap i no but even when we are not anxcious and could be having the happiest day it still has some way of showing its still there. Strange. Hope this helps xx