View Full Version : Pelvic pain driving me crazy

05-03-10, 22:30
I have gotten myself all worked up and feel anxiety kicking in bad, I am convinced that I have ovarian cancer and not only that but now it is also spread to the hip bones and lower back. Believe me I know how crazy it sounds but I can't stop worrying about it. I have had pelvic pain for the past couple of months that is there everyday and the past couple days it has been really bad even making my hip bones feel achy plus my lower back is hurting on the same side as my pelvic pain. When I am thinking rationally I am pretty sure it is just a cyst or something but then my anxiety takes off and every pain I feel is cancer. Any kind words out there?

05-03-10, 22:42
Hi there. First of all can i just say that anxciety makes us think the most horrible things and we even make ourselves believe that its true. But can i just say that afew months ago i went through a phase of thinking i had ovarian cancer, i had the pains the headaches all the symptoms. So i made my gp refer me for a scan. I had the scan done and the lady said right you will get your results in 2 weeks. And i just burst out crying and said please tell me, i cant wait that long do i have cancer or a cyst and she said NO have you hell. You are completley healthy and i was over the moon. But the funny thing about it is that the pain just went away like that. So in away yes i do believe that anxciety cause us to have these horrible lumps, bumps, pains, headaches and thoughts. I dont think you have cancer. I think you are just the way i was sweet and when you realise that its not cancer and tell yourself its not, i promise i bet it goes xx

pussy cat
05-03-10, 22:47
so sorry you are suffering so much & your anxious as well - all perfectly understandable,however there could be numerous reasons for your pain not just the one that is on your mind,for instance a water infection can be very painful & easily put right but you need a visit to the old doctor to get it sorted.book an appointment & see what the problem is - i,m sure you will be o.k & feel so much better for going.the mind is a very powerful thing as we all know & it does play tricks with you.let us know how you get on - good luck xx :flowers:

05-03-10, 22:49
I have had pelvic pain etc for years and years! Scans show nothing, apart from a scan I had when I was pregnant showed a small cyst.
It seems to be (according to my physio) my back, I am all out of balance with my hips, spine etc and the stomach muscles compensate for the back pain.
Have you been to see a doctor at all??

05-03-10, 23:04
I mentioned the pain to my family doctor a few months back and it was passed off as ovulation pain which doesn't really sound right because I feel the pain every day. I just went to the doctor this past tuesday to follow up an MRI which showed possible MS which I know is not what is causing the pelvic pain but now the doctor is writing everything off as part of MS and said to talk to the doctors at the MS clinic about it when I get an appointment 8 months down the road or so.

pussy cat
06-03-10, 01:10
thats not very helpful at all - to expect you to wait months for an answer is not good for you-your doc doesn,t sound to helpful although the fact that you have had an mri & this hasnt shown up the problem you were fearing is good.if you have this appt with the m.s clinic could you phone the clinic & explain to them what you are feeling & ask for some advice or a much earlier appt ?as i said in my earlier post the mind is powerful thing & it could be that your symptoms will disapear as soon as your mind is put at rest - the last thing you need is an unhelpful doctor.i know how you are feeling & sympathise with you.get on the phone & see what they say - good luck,keep us informed :flowers:

06-03-10, 01:45
Today I went over to the walk in clinic to have the pelvic pain checked out and they are sending me for an ultrasound on tuesday so I am happy to have that much and hopefully that can slow down my anxious mind. I haven't got the appointment yet for the other clinic still waiting for a call but the doctor said I could expect to get an appointment 8 months down the road and to not be surprised since my illness was so mild so far. But, I am of course now worried that it is not ms at all and what they saw on the mri was cancer that has spread to my brain from the ovaries...this stress is not helping anything at the moment and I have been trying to stay positive about all this so I am hoping to have some closure soon and get on with feeling better.
Thank you for taking the time to respond it is a great help

06-03-10, 02:50
aw I feel for you :-(
can you describe the pain a bit more?
are you in pain all the time or certain times of the month?

I was getting some kind of ovary pain. it was a sharp stabbing pain to the right of my pelvic bone, towards my hip.
had tests done, all came back clear.

06-03-10, 07:25
Hi, I've had pelvic pain and hip pain for years! I too had a bad back, had a spinal fusion and double laminectomy when I was in my early 30's and the pain is there most days but it is pain that I can easily live with, some days good some days not so good :-) I agree with what ZoJo says, I think since then my back has been somewhat out of alignment, and have arthritis in hips and spine, but I get through most days without it bothering me to any great extent. I work full-time and am able to go on long walks and swimming and most other things like that but the pain in pelvis and right side hip is there but I never let it defeat me. Best to get it checked though in case it is something to do with your back.

I'm sure you will be fine, anxiety is usually the cause of many of these aches and pains!!

All the best

Jannie x x

Cell block H fan
06-03-10, 12:43
Hi there. First of all can i just say that anxciety makes us think the most horrible things and we even make ourselves believe that its true. But can i just say that afew months ago i went through a phase of thinking i had ovarian cancer, i had the pains the headaches all the symptoms. So i made my gp refer me for a scan. I had the scan done and the lady said right you will get your results in 2 weeks. And i just burst out crying and said please tell me, i cant wait that long do i have cancer or a cyst and she said NO have you hell. You are completley healthy and i was over the moon. But the funny thing about it is that the pain just went away like that. So in away yes i do believe that anxciety cause us to have these horrible lumps, bumps, pains, headaches and thoughts. I dont think you have cancer. I think you are just the way i was sweet and when you realise that its not cancer and tell yourself its not, i promise i bet it goes xx

This reminds me so much of me when I was in my early 20's. I was in agony in the end, all sorts of referred pain, which at the time I didn't think for one minute was because I was thinking about it constantly. It was when the hospital told me I didn't have something nasty, I almost skipped out of that place & almost instantly the pain went. I remember having real sore muscles around my abdomen & in my legs, that took a couple of days to go. But that was literally where I had been soooo tense for so long, my muscles needed to untighten themselves! I could feel it happening.
Horrible time that was.
That was when it hit home how powerful the mind can be at making you feel 10 times worse!

06-03-10, 14:02
I agree 110% with all of you that anxiety and focusing on something specific can make any small thing seem 100 times worse, it actually happened to me almost a year ago now when I had a strange headache and became convinced it was an aneurysm that was about to burst at any moment. For weeks probably almost a couple of months after I had headaches every single day, and I rarely get headaches, my eyes began to bother me and I became more convinced I was going to die and then a doctor referred me for a CT scan to rule out a brain tumor and until that appointment came up I was so sick with anxiety I could barely function anyway turns out after the CT scan came up clear the headaches stopped and my eyes haven't really bothered me since. However, something like this comes up and I become convinced this time the pains are real and it is something sinister and I wake up every morning scared my cancer diagnosis is coming soon and my little boy won't have a mom anymore it is awful I hate feeling like this and I haven't been this bad in a while :(
I've thought of something I forgot to mention, warning this may be a little bit graphic. I have had an increase in vaginal discharge as well, everytime I go to the bathroom there is a quite a bit and when I have a bowel movement and have to push for it to come out there is quite a bit of vaginal discharge as well. There seems to be variance in colour and consistency sometimes it is clear and stringy and other times it is white but sort of yellowish and creamy but there is no odor or itching associated with it. Anyone else ever have this?

Cell block H fan
06-03-10, 17:00
I agree 110% with all of you that anxiety and focusing on something specific can make any small thing seem 100 times worse, it actually happened to me almost a year ago now when I had a strange headache and became convinced it was an aneurysm that was about to burst at any moment. For weeks probably almost a couple of months after I had headaches every single day, and I rarely get headaches, my eyes began to bother me and I became more convinced I was going to die and then a doctor referred me for a CT scan to rule out a brain tumor and until that appointment came up I was so sick with anxiety I could barely function anyway turns out after the CT scan came up clear the headaches stopped and my eyes haven't really bothered me since. However, something like this comes up and I become convinced this time the pains are real and it is something sinister and I wake up every morning scared my cancer diagnosis is coming soon and my little boy won't have a mom anymore it is awful I hate feeling like this and I haven't been this bad in a while :(
I've thought of something I forgot to mention, warning this may be a little bit graphic. I have had an increase in vaginal discharge as well, everytime I go to the bathroom there is a quite a bit and when I have a bowel movement and have to push for it to come out there is quite a bit of vaginal discharge as well. There seems to be variance in colour and consistency sometimes it is clear and stringy and other times it is white but sort of yellowish and creamy but there is no odor or itching associated with it. Anyone else ever have this?

You're going to think i'm just saying this now, but yes! I had this too, I even went to the doctors in tears, I was googling like the clappers back then & drove myself mad. (I NEVER google symptoms these days) I was dating a nice guy at the time but it was awful for him to go through too. The doctor did a swab because he thought I might have an infection, but that was all clear. He even gave me some cream I had to squirt up there on an applicator thing, a bit like a tampon applicator because he said that can help reset the healthy bacteria? That made no difference. I dont mean to be gross but even sex was messy, the bed would be soaked! And I had never had that. There was definitely an increase for some reason for a while. In the end I excepted it, after the tests, that it was nothing serious, & it slowed down again. The doctor did say stress can cause an increase in discharge. I dont know how true that is. But it seemed to be the case for me. I cant explain it otherwise.
Also I know what you mean about 'this time its definitely something bad' I have had that many times since the first real scare I mentioned before, years ago. Many times I thought 'last time was nothing in the end, but this time its different' ive even gone as far to think blimey, I dont know why I worried so much before, these symptoms are way more definitely going to be something bad!
And the circle continues. Until you get that reassurance, yet again.
edit: the only other thing i'll say is, it can depend what time of the month it is, on the consistancy & colour of discharge. When you're ovulating its quite often clear & stringy, other times its whiter & like runny fresh cream. My doc did say if its not smelly, its likely to be normal. It was definaitely more prominent when I was in my 20's & early 30's (I dont know what age you are now?)
Poor blokes reading this will be real grossed out wont they lol

07-03-10, 00:56
LOL I imagine this is not a topic most men are too familiar or comfortable with. It was great to read this message, I am currently 28 (I'll be 29 this year) and I wasn't worried about the discharge until the past couple of weeks. It certainly hasn't had any odor really and isn't clumpy or different looking it just seems to be a whole lot of it. I also have one child that is almost 4 so I don't know if that has anything to do with it and I am just noticing it more now because of my worrying of that area so much lately. I have been trying not to worry too much today and avoid paying too much attention to that area and it hasn't been overly painful, slight discomfort but not the pain I have when focused on it like i have been. Hopefully this ultrasound will find a cyst or even nothing and I'll be able to not worry so much about it. I know when I was around 16 I was so stressed out I ended up with 2 cysts, 2 kidney infections, tonsillitis once a month for 6 months, strep throat so bad my throat almost closed up entirely...and this was all brought on by stress so I am guessing I may have a cyst brought on by the stress i have been under lately. This is what I am hoping for but again the worry that it is something far worse always seems to sneak in. I appreciate people taking the time to reply to my crazy posts it means more than they may know :hugs: