View Full Version : Hey 18 and suffering =[

06-03-10, 00:50
Hello! My name is Gabriel Rodrigues and Im 18. Ive been suffering with anxiety disorder for about 4 months now. I had exams, was moving to Britain from New Zealand and had an uncle dieing of cancer when I had a panic attack in a car. I got out at the lights and just screamed it was horrible. My attacks are mainly head based, meaning I think im going to have a siezure,stroke or have a brain tumour all the time. Im always dizzy and feel detached from everything. It upsets me so much I really want my life back. Sleeping has become difficult as well because I lie down and ge very dizzy and then panic. My eyesight has been terrible as well, as in I see floaters in the sky, coloured dots in my vision and and black things in the corner of my vision. This also makes me thinkim mentally ill which really scares me. I just need help and support.

06-03-10, 00:53
Hi Gabz

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-03-10, 02:31
Hey Gabz

You really described a lot of me right there. Looks like your not alone! Hope me and you can find out more about how to get rid of this horrid anxiety disorder

06-03-10, 02:52
one good thing is your so not alone with your symptoms here! you will always find someone here who gets what your going through :-)

Veronica H
06-03-10, 09:44
:welcome:Gabriel. Glad that you have found us.
