View Full Version : I kicked the sh*t out of my panic but don’t know where to start with my agoraphobia.

06-03-10, 04:02
I kicked the sh*t out of my panic but don’t know where to start with my agoraphobia and I’m new here too dot com.

Hello everyone, my name is Kris and I live in North Yorkshire. I’m 21, male… this is beginning to sound like a dating ad but I promise you it isn’t. Anyway, I’m new to NMP and I have this determination to help myself and others with this sometimes (but not always) debilitating mental health condition.

I have GAD, I had panic attacks, I was a hypochondriac and I am Agoraphobic. I had my first panic attack when I was aged 10 and haven’t looked back since.

This might sound wired, but the truth is I’m glad I had panic attacks because now I feel like a much stronger person in mind, body and soul….

…still not strong enough to beat my agoraphobia. Dam it, isn’t it bloody frustrating. Hope to make some friends on here.


06-03-10, 04:03
Hi Kristofer

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-03-10, 04:44
Your introduction made me smile!
you seem pretty motivated to sort out the agoraphobia!
welcome :-)

what level is your agoraphobia on?
On a good day I can walk around town on my own :-)
I have issues with not going too far alone!

06-03-10, 14:16
Kris -- welcome!! I suffer from depression, health anxiety, panic attacks, and agoraphobia. I'm a mess! :D Anyway, it is nice to meet you and you have come to the right place. Everyone here is fantastic and will be your beacon to guide you through your darkest hours. Wiskers ~

07-03-10, 22:13
Your introduction made me smile!
you seem pretty motivated to sort out the agoraphobia!
welcome :-)

what level is your agoraphobia on?
On a good day I can walk around town on my own :-)
I have issues with not going too far alone!

I’m glad I made you smile, mishel and thank you for making me feel very welcome on here :-)

I would say my agoraphobia is quite debilitating to say the least. I haven’t stepped foot outside the door for three years. I can only manage the garden before anxiety steps in and takes over :-(

Gosh, I can’t believe you can manage that mishel, it’s a massive achievement that you should be very proud of!

Kris -- welcome!! I suffer from depression, health anxiety, panic attacks, and agoraphobia. I'm a mess! :D Anyway, it is nice to meet you and you have come to the right place. Everyone here is fantastic and will be your beacon to guide you through your darkest hours. Wiskers ~

Wiskers, I feel your pain bless your heart. I really, really hope you beat it and soon. I can imagine what you must be going through right now, I had a massive blip last year with depression, health anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia and I too was a total and utter mess.

It can be beaten, it’s all psychological. Once you get the grasp of controlling your mind you will beat it.

I’m glad I’ve spoken to you both, it’s a comfortable feeling to know that there are people with the same problems as me :-)

I was told once, that the word ‘fear’ is also an Acronym for Face Everything And Recover :-)


andrea thompson
07-03-10, 22:32
hi kris

i started with panic and anxiety 11 years ago - beat it with a big stick called seroxat and counselling. it took me about two - three years but gradually led a normal ish life. until i had a miscarraige last sept.. my hormones are all over and all the old symptoms returned... i see that what hapened was a trigger that set off my panic, anxiety and led to depression. i am on citalopram and starting to feel better. thanks god!!!!
i wanted to reply to your post because i too suffered from agoraphobia during my first bout of depression 11 years ago.. if i stepped outside the garden gate everything would spin. my auntie lived about two hundred yards from my house and i used to look out of the window thinking can i make it to her house and i imagined that i would collapse half way there and would not be able to get to her house or back to mine. i was taking seroxat and it helped but i had a nurse visiting me, she was really good and gave me small exercises to do... like walk out of the garden gatye and across the path everyday for a week - then increase to the other side of the road. i was soo scared that i would end up in a mental hospital that i forced myself to go through these terrible tasks... since beating that first bout i have been to college, had a baby, i am a part time tutor, i drive and until this recent blip have been leading a lovely life. you can beat this.. it is hard work and its scary as hell but you can get through this. have you had any counselling or help and do you take meds... i hope my story has helped you a little - message me anytime - if you think i can help you..

take care

andrea x x

08-03-10, 08:00
hello everyone, i'm an agrophobic, had it for at least 20 years, i'm 47 now... at its worse i cannot bear to go to the local shops, and at its best i am walking alone in the shopping mall, i have been at the priory getting treatment, cognitive therapy and the group sessions are very good, i get the fuzzy feeling when i am out but have learned that nothing will happen to me and i must just go and face the fuzziness, noone ever falls over or faints when in a state of panic because the adrenalin keeps you going..physically its not possible..
i am learning that you must live through the fuzziness and it will disappear, and it does, and that the safety behaviours must be slowly dropped like carrying water, rescue remedy, sweets, radios etc in your bag must be slowly eradicated..and i am trying to do this.. today i am going to a local shopping center to buy a birthday gift for my brother..and i mustnt worry about it before i go..