View Full Version : When will i feel better.

06-03-10, 11:47
Hello everyone well i have been on citalopram for 16 days now and i am not feeling as great as i thought i would.
My main problem is at night i am finding it really hard to fall asleep and then when i eventually do i wake up at around three with the most horrible anxiety, this is everynight.
Am i doing something wrong because i thought i would start to feel better by now but i dont i still feel quite spaced out and have the derealization quite a lot, more so than i ever have before is this normal will i start to feel better or is this drug not for me.
If any one has any advice it would be most appriciated.
Thank you Hannah.:)

06-03-10, 12:14
Hello everyone well i have been on citalopram for 16 days now and i am not feeling as great as i thought i would.
My main problem is at night i am finding it really hard to fall asleep and then when i eventually do i wake up at around three with the most horrible anxiety, this is everynight.
Am i doing something wrong because i thought i would start to feel better by now but i dont i still feel quite spaced out and have the derealization quite a lot, more so than i ever have before is this normal will i start to feel better or is this drug not for me.
If any one has any advice it would be most appriciated.
Thank you Hannah.:)

Hi Hannah84,

Sorry your not feeling too great, it is early days, it takes about 6 - 8 weeks for Citalopram to kick in and start to work properly. What dose are you on? some people suffer from side effects. keep on them, they will work and keep posting on here and let us know how you are doing and feeling. you are not doing anything wrong.


06-03-10, 12:16
Hi Hannah84,

here are lots of hugs to ya...

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


06-03-10, 13:35
Hi Hannah, Have you felt like this all the time you have been taking citalopram or has it just started? I agree with Yvonne it does take some time for the drug to get into your system and causes some side effects untill then. When do you take the med? When I was on this I used to take it at night, but everyone is different. I do hope you start to improve soon hun, not nice for you waking up in the middle of the night etc. Take care. Jo

06-03-10, 18:03
Hi Hannah,

I'm going into week 9 of Citalopram and all I can say is that I experienced EXACTLY what you are now for the first few weeks. I still do struggle with waking up in the night - it's usually about 5am I wake every morning (don't know why my brain picked that time to stick to!!) but I generally don't have that horrible anxiety anymore. I won't lie I do occassionally feel slightly anxious but only when I start to think "I used to feel anxious so any second now I am going to start feeling anxious" (daft I know!) and then I feel slightly tense but it disappears within minutes and is very easy to control!