View Full Version : 2nd day on Citalopram, feeling anxious but strangely positive too

06-03-10, 13:20
Took my second 10mg tablet this morning. Still have a terrible headache, lightheadedness and feel anxious about everything but actually feel like these tablets might work for me. I know it takes a few weeks for them to kick in but I'm feeling happier knowing that I'm doing something to help my problems.
Just wish I could fast forward a few weeks!


06-03-10, 13:56
Hi Sarah, Good that you feeling positive like that...positivity along with the medication is a good combination. I totally relate to you wishing we could fast forward a few weeks, I am like that too. I take a different medication to you (have previously taken citalopram for a number of years and it was very sucessfull, but this previous time didn't help me as much) and I have just had to increase my dose from 15mg to 30mg and I am due back to work in 2 weeks so like you am hoping by then my body will be used to the increase. You just seem to wish your time away and then hope that you'll feel better dont you?

I think in a couple of weeks you will be feeling so much better than you do now you will of forgotten how now feels (if that makes sense).

Roll on the good days!!!! Take care and remain positive, you are doing well. Jo.xx

06-03-10, 17:43
Hi Jo,

Thanks so much for your message, it's replies like yours that keeps me feeling positive and determined to see it through (even though my headache is so bad that I think my head is going to explode, and my vision is so blurred I feel I may pass out any minute!)

Hey ho!

06-03-10, 17:57
Oh hun, I feel for you...you will be fine I know it...I went through all this but you will look back and think "God was I really like that" keep going and let me know how your journey goes...sending you a big hug. Jo.:hugs::hugs: